Schneider to ACT - yes, another ACT thread :)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by BlackLions, May 28, 2012.

  1. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member


    Well, there's about 9 other states with deaths and this problem. But because of the population of Dallas, that's all you hear... There's always something going on, west nile, anthrax, h1n1... Let's all just be paranoid, stay on the truck all the time and put on a NBC suit every time we fuel or load/unload - by the way, I do have one from my army days lol.
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  3. Drifter42

    Drifter42 Hopper Heartache

    Dec 4, 2011
    Seymour IN
    Be sure to take lots of pics:biggrin_25519:
  4. pete3871

    pete3871 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    If a mesqouito kill's BlackLions, I'll be sad,......but better him than me.

    But as far as the odd's,41 dead,is a good couple week's murder rate in Chicago.That rate is only rising every month and there's no spray to combat that fact.I'll take my chance's against the skeeter's.
    BlackLions Thanks this.
  5. Drifter42

    Drifter42 Hopper Heartache

    Dec 4, 2011
    Seymour IN
    I feel for the skeeter that bites me lol
  6. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    And the Great American Truck Show is over... My feet are killing me. Time to get back on the road. After some TX BBQ of course.

    I'll post a bunch of photos tonight or tomorrow.
    Drifter42 Thanks this.
  7. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Let's see...

    Left Dallas with a two stop load going to Springfield, MO and final in Lenexa, KS. Unloaded around 1130 and deadheaded to the yard - perfect timing since I was due for APU service. Left the truck at the yard, went to get lunch, shower and did a load of laundry at the office.

    Got three load offers,
    - KC to Des Moines 207 miles
    - KC to St Louis 304 miles
    - St Joe to somewhere (I forget) in TN - 598 miles

    Took the Des Moines load. Both the KC loads were at the yard already. The TN load I would have to drive at night and I was excited about that.

    After I accepted that load, an hour later got a preplan from Albia, IA to Henderson, KY to East Point, GA. 901 miles plus the stop.

    As far as the Dallas truck show photos, I'm being lazy but I'll upload them pretty soon....this week lol

    Hope everyone is having a good week so far.
  8. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Dropped in East Point, GA. Picked up in Gadsden, AL for as soon as I get to De Kalb, IL. Got a preplan for tomorrow from Ottawa, IL to Dallas with 3 stops for eaaaaarly Monday morning.

    Getting late lunch in De Kalb and noticed a lake not too far from here that rents boats... So I guess I'm going fishing.
  9. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Picked a load from Terrell, TX to Denver, CO.



    Thank you ACT for this load! Hello Amarillo and Big Texan! :)
  10. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Well, its been about a week since I've posted... Just been busy running... Mainly KC to Dallas, had one run down to Houston so that was nice change of scenery, then back to KC and now I've had a run to SC.

    Nothing really exciting, just been running. I'll try to post more.
  11. BlackLions

    BlackLions Road Train Member

    Ran from KC to Mauldin, SC and back from SC to Red Oak, IA. Got a short run today from Shelby, IA to Manhattan, KS. Hopefully I can get a load tomorrow morning out of there and roll through Kansas City for some food at the driver appreciation event this week.
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