should i take boyd up on the offer???

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by tchrist, Jun 10, 2013.

  1. Truck-N-Tech

    Truck-N-Tech Medium Load Member

    Sep 13, 2010
    UTurn, if what you say is true, then I stand corrected, but what I wrote was what I saw. Maybe there was one terminal that was behind schedule on replacing their old trucks or something. I have seen a few Boyd trucks that looked better recently. Maybe they are stepping up to the next level, so they can gain better customers, and retain drivers better?
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  3. UTurn1

    UTurn1 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Baltimore, MD
    TNT, I can now see what you meant. They are getting drivers in faster than they are getting the newer trucks titled so some of the older trucks are getting recycled off the trade in line.
  4. yethound2002

    yethound2002 Bobtail Member

    Aug 2, 2013
    Everybody has their own experiences. Thats ehat you have to watch for. Some people are so negative about everything just the way they are. Important thing to know is that no company is perferct. And no company is going to be good for every driver. What you have to look for is what company is going to be the best for You.
  5. sktbrdr

    sktbrdr Bobtail Member

    Oct 19, 2013
    As someone who has actually WORKED for Boyd for a year, don't get me wrong, they are by no means perfect. The trucks are not "junk." they are almost all prostars and most are less than 3 years old. There was a rash of mechanical issues, but they were directly related the egr/ regen system. Navistar has taken major steps to correct them. Despite what the "expert" told you, our tarps are professionally repaired and can be swapped for damaged tarps at either of our working facilities. as is the case with all of the equipment we carry. it is the responsibility of the driver to have the correct amount and correct condition of equipment. Ive been out here 10 years and they are one of the most honest companies i've worked for. Flatbed is not for everybody. It is rewarding for me in the things I get to haul. I also do not deal with grocery houses at all. Ive been through multiple dot inspections and passed every one. As for living I Nebraska im not sure if we hire there. They wont hire someone who they cant get home on a regular basis. we run that area, just not sure how often youd get home. Id highly recommend them if you are still interested.
  6. sktbrdr

    sktbrdr Bobtail Member

    Oct 19, 2013
    most of the bad tarps are from guys not padding them
  7. UTurn1

    UTurn1 Heavy Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Baltimore, MD
    Very true sktbrdr. I carried carpet remnets and moving pads for a lot of the loads, especially the b- line cooper loads.
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