Six Killed In Charter Bus Crash

Discussion in 'Trucking Accidents' started by dstockwell, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. wallbanger

    wallbanger "Enemy of showers everywhere"

    ATLANTA(AP) An 18-year-old baseball player who had been pulled from the wreckage of a bus crash that killed several of his Ohio teammates died of his injuries Friday morning, raising the death toll from the crash to seven, a hospital spokeswoman said.
    Zach Arend had been in critical condition since the crash last Friday.
    He died about 6 a.m., said Grady Memorial Hospital spokeswoman Denise Simpson. Arend's grandmother, Ann Miller, had said he suffered chest and abdominal injuries, a fractured pelvis and collapsed lungs.
    Four of Arend's Bluffton University teammates, the charter bus driver and the driver's wife were killed when the bus went off an overpass in Georgia and crashed onto the Interstate 75 pavement below. More than two dozen others were injured.
    Two other players remained hospitalized Friday at Grady Memorial Hospital, one in critical condition and one in fair condition, Simpson said.
    The team's coach, James Grandey, was listed in stable condition in the intensive care unit at Piedmont Hospital. Another player was in stable condition at Atlanta Medical Center.
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  3. TurboTrucker

    TurboTrucker Road Train Member

    Feb 23, 2005
    Rossville, Georgia
    I haven't seen anything in print on this, but an update on one of the Atlanta stations related that a ballplayer had been interviewed that has stated that he was awakened just before the bus slammed into the concrete wall, by the voice of the driver's wife screaming..."THIS ISN'T THE HIGHWAY...WE'RE NOT ON THE HIGHWAY!!!"
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