the tarp balances out...sure some loads arent worth the 20 bucks, but youll get loads that you dont tarp but you are told by the carrier to 20 bucks for just marking an X on the tripak
starting at BOYD!
Discussion in 'Boyd' started by pmurcyard, Jul 7, 2011.
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Well start CDL school next monday then hopefully 4 weeks till Birmingham! Just wondering forgat to ask how much is individual insurance with them? Thanks for the info in advance!
tarping is not worth 20 bucks
Well Graduate from TDI tomorrow! Next stop Orientation in Birmingham on the 29th of August! Anyone else headed that way?
ok hytek and cruise or any boyd drivers. Ive got some problems and need some feedback. Im not really enjoying my flatbed experience. pay is great! hometime is ok, about what I expected. the first 2 months were great but then some things started going downhill.
first off, my dispatcher started telling me that i am required to be at the consignee for a monday delivery by midnight sunday night. is this true?
sometimes I dont get home until Saturday afternoon and like to spend a little extra time with family even if that means having a rough day monday.
I am on paper logs and told my dispatcher to load me out with a full day everyday. She said we are all going to E logs soon and need to go ahead and run like it. why is she acting this way? I never had a late delivery or any violations or accidents.
here are some of the messages i get:
" I am very disappointed to see that you left home late with this load after just having come off a long weekend off. Regardless of the fact that the cons has open rec we expect you to be there by midnight tonight so you could have a fresh 10 driving hrs when you unload in the morning. this has to improve."
received that one at 4:11pm after leaving for a 580 mile trip. I arrived at 2am for an 8am. i stayed out 3 weeks to get a long weekend for a wedding, called her at 7:30 am monday ready for a load then the very next weekend I got home saturday afternoon and left sunday at 4pm and thats why she sent that.
then the next weekend:
"New company policy - if you leave home late for your Monday delivery (and show up on the shift report if you do because betty jo has called you or tried to call you to find out why you haven't left) then I cannot pay you any layover or detention pay for the rest of the week. We try to get you to leave out in time to be at your consignee by midnight for two reasons, your safety and your logbook! As the country moves toward elogs on every driver this is more important than ever, believe me I know, I have drivers on elogs already that i have had to forfeit long loads on monday already because they left out late and used up their monday driving hours trying to get their loads delivered. Those of you that always leave out in plenty of time thank you!!! I appreciate it and so does the company.We do all we can to make sure you get the amount of time youre due on the w/e all we ask in return is that you leave on time with your load. thanks."
I understand for Eloggers but why me? does anyone else get these messages? like i said. Im available everyday with all my hours. why do they care if i pick the load up then take a nap and drive in the evening to finish the trip when the traffic and the sun dies down? Why does it make this big of a deal when Im always ontime and always legal? She acts like im punching a time clock. I told her I understand how elogs work and thats why i run paper. I prefer to drive at night. less traffic, less sunlight, less DOT. its just how i do it.
Ive gotten more messages about stuff i didnt see in the handbook and then a couple weeks ago she called me and said I was getting a service failure for a load I was under. I delivered ontime the next morning. so is this just the way boyd is? I like the company and the pay but im frustrated with all the little rules I keep breaking when I feel like Im doing my job. its on my last nerve -
Most of that is news to me. I've been with this company for years and I've never even heard of that rule that we have to be at the consignee by sunday night. As long as I deliver on time, why would they care? And at least in my experience they really don't. Sounds like your dispatcher is suffering from some sort of hyper-sensitivity....
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