States that make you show up for tickets ?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by BlueThunderr, May 23, 2024.

  1. BlueThunderr

    BlueThunderr Medium Load Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Hey I was just curious...Does anyone know what states you have to show up for if you get a ticket ? I know some allow for just your lawyer to show up in place of you...Which states do you have to show up in person ? Thanks
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  3. Thrasher28

    Thrasher28 Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2021
    Bowling Green, KY
    I think it's more of a district discretion thing, moreso than a state thing. I know when I got a ticket for being a bad boy in PA, the attorney I called asked what district to see if they could represent me without me appearing.
    BlueThunderr and tscottme Thank this.
  4. 86scotty

    86scotty Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2017
    I've always thought showing up was optional unless it's bad enough that they mandate you being there.

    On the one or two out of state tickets I've had in my life there was no way I was going back in person.

    I went to one local in person once to try and pay the court costs and keep the points off my record. They recorded the points anyway.
  5. roundhouse

    roundhouse Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2018
    It varies a lot .

    the cops and courts usually don’t want you to show up , they just want the money so they encourage you to mail in the money and plead guilty

    they don’t want you taking up court time .

    However there are SOME violations that have a mandatory court appearance .

    under a certain age

    over a certain speed

    And other certain violations require the accused to appear in person .
    You can and should have an attorney , but when the attorney had delayed it as much as possible , then YOU have to show up as well .
    RockinChair and 86scotty Thank this.
  6. TripleSix

    TripleSix God of Roads

    Apr 10, 2009
    Copied in Hell
    From what I have seen, if they really want you to show up to court in person, they will arrest you and make you post bond.
  7. Pepper24

    Pepper24 Road Train Member

    Dec 3, 2010
    It doesn’t matter the state it’s what the ticket is for example a speeding you’re not going to have to be there a careless and reckless you’re going to have to be there it depends on the class of the ticket
  8. Moosetek13

    Moosetek13 Road Train Member

    Nov 1, 2010
    Burnsville, MN
    If you drive legally you really should not have to worry about it.
    Truckermania and tscottme Thank this.
  9. BlueThunderr

    BlueThunderr Medium Load Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    The company I work for is threatening to terminate drivers if they don't show up in court and fight and have the ticket dismissed
  10. BlueThunderr

    BlueThunderr Medium Load Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    This has nothing to do with me...I am posting this for a decades long driver at our company who asked me to...He wants to have a conversation with the higher ups at our company regarding this...Our company is threatening to terminate drivers if they don't show up for tickets and fight them...Would you like to talk to that driver or our safety department about this ? I can get you phone numbers.
  11. buzzarddriver

    buzzarddriver Road Train Member

    Feb 1, 2011
    Dallas, TX
    If your company wants to foot the bill for you showing up, sounds fine. They can even pay the lawyer. Otherwise, they can pound sand.
    BlueThunderr Thanks this.
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