The adventures of 'Team Klingon'

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Lady K, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    Monthly update.. LOL!

    we are still alive and rolling. Almost done with our direct customer. His season is coming to an end (bare root trees). Boy do they make a MESS in the trailer! Also CA has been dead heading north, so there has been a couple times (like now) that we have had to D/H 500 miles just to make sure we are up there for him. OUCH!

    We are (besides the lack of loads) liking the 'lane' we've been running... North and south... Past the house... We get to squeeze the kids a bit more than before, and that's a good thing!

    We we are trying to find a couple of brokers that deal with our area, and have loads in this area. Not easy... Well, off to relax until my turn to drive... We are splitting this long 500 mile trip... LOL! Bye for now :)
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  3. TruckDuo

    TruckDuo Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    Chicago, IL
    Hope you two are doing good. It's time for an update.
    Lady K Thanks this.
  4. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    I'll try to update soon, when I'm not so distrac..... SQUIRREL!!
    123456 and TruckDuo Thank this.
  5. irishwarrior

    irishwarrior Medium Load Member

    Dec 21, 2011
    williamsburg iowa
    watch out for the shiney things too
  6. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    Update... Well it has certainly been a while! We are still out here, and rolling. It's not as easy as being a company driver, or lease driver... At times I almost wish we were still doing that. Someone else finding us loads... But then I get over it and get to work 😄

    I see on some FB pages the rates others are getting and think, oh we should head over there... But then I'm torn, because we have some commitments on the west coast. It's not only the rates though... Most loads are built for solo drivers, we're a team. It gets frustrating... Not that I mind having time to kick back and watch a movie, but I rather have made enough out on the road to take that time at home to watch a movie...

    So so as I'm typing this, we are waiting to deliver in 4 hrs., 8 miles away, after being at the Truckstop since 5pm yesterday. Looking at load boards, trying to find a load to central CA area to cover a 'customer'. Rates heading that way SUCK! Knowing that we don't have enough $$ reserved right now to take any real time off. Knowing we have 'work' we need to do at the office/home.

    We we will keep on keeping on though... And take it from there...
    123456 Thanks this.
  7. vikingswen

    vikingswen Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    In the Stratosphere
    Great to hear from you guys. I took the plunge about two month ago and have been running North under my own authority. I only work with one broker and don't have to spend any time looking for loads. I am lucky since I live in the right place for what I do. Lately I have been gone 9days and have 5 days at home. I just got to stop spending money on truck and trailer so I can show a profit.
    rexmanno, NoCoCraig and Lady K Thank this.
  8. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    Congrats on the plunge!! <doing happy dance for you>

    yeah we we are looking at DH'ing out of here... There have been a few loads of 800 miles for $1000... Where yeah, it would pay for fuel, but that's about it... SO tired of black holes!!

    What lanes are you running? Maybe we will cross paths and be able to share a cup &#128516;
  9. vikingswen

    vikingswen Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    In the Stratosphere
    I stuck with going to Alaska. After doing over a year of research on the lane and meeting the three biggest players in that market I took the plunge. I am averaging over $2.00 on all miles driven. That is at the slow time with 40 to 50 percent of dead head miles.

    You should talk to Dick Rankin owner of Sleipner Transport in Anchorage, AK. He has produce loads coming out of California that go straight to Anchorage. You could easily do a two week turn and swing by the house for some home time. He might have some extra capacity in the summer the roads are clear just not very good in places.
    NoCoCraig and Lady K Thank this.
  10. irishwarrior

    irishwarrior Medium Load Member

    Dec 21, 2011
    williamsburg iowa
    get ready to run guys i go out for ten weeks of training heheheeee
  11. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    We would need to get permitted, or IFTA'ed or what ever you call it to be able to go to AK... Might look into that, but not sure when.. Right now we could pick up the produce and bring it to the border &#128077; &#128521; until we get permits.
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