Walmart Onboarding Assessments

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by ConsciousTrucker, Feb 29, 2024.

  1. Driver Success

    Driver Success Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2019
    You will do 3 driving routes (one on each day - Tue, Wed & Thur) One of them will be the highway but the two will be surface streets. As for the turns, some are kind of tight but doable.

    The trick is to take them slow. If you’re at a light and need to wait for a car to get out of the lane for you to utilize the space, then wait.

    Don’t leave a lot of space from the curb when making right turns but also don’t hit any curbs.

    When I was doing mine in May, there was a lot of construction on part of the routes which was tricky because you have to keep that trailer in the lanes.

    Hopefully they’re done with most or maybe they have planned out other new routes for you.

    Here’s a playlist that may answer some of the questions you might have
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  3. WalmartOrBust

    WalmartOrBust Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2024
    Driver Success thank you I’ve actually recently came across your videos on YouTube, and have watched them several times along with several others, and I appreciate you for putting that information out there, for those of us who are about to attend. It has been helpful with relieving some of my anxiety, but I’m still quite nervous which I’m sure is to be expected. I have just over 3 years of experience. My first year was food service delivery, and my last 2 have been with Ace Hardware, so I’m pretty decent at maneuvering in tight spaces. I just have to remind myself to relax, because I have a tendency to overthink thing's. I was also curious do the CDT’s provide feedback after you complete each assessment letting you know how you did, or what you could do better? I have seen mixed responses in regards to this question, so I was just curious. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions, and help if I didn’t already have a referral I would certainly have used you.
    JOHNQPUBLIC and ConsciousTrucker Thank this.
  4. Driver Success

    Driver Success Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2019
    I totally understand what you’re going through because that is how I too was feeling. With your experience I’m sure you will do well.

    For feedback I think it depends on each CDT because I also heard that some don’t give you feedback.

    I personally got positive feedback from all of them when I did my tests. They were all really nice drivers.

    And it looks like they have different CDTs for each class. When I did mine, we had many of them come from other states.
  5. ConsciousTrucker

    ConsciousTrucker Light Load Member

    Apr 16, 2020
    3 driving routes. One highway & 2 city driving. Construction zones suck. Some real doozy turns that you've just gotta know what you're doing and when to button-hook for. Whatever you do, don't hit a curb.

    But if you hit a curb, and the CDT asks you if you hit the curb, whatever you do, don't lie about it. I'm not saying you'll get hired if you hit the curb, but you won't be blacklisted for it and can retest in a couple months. You could be blacklisted for lying about it.

    If you're in a truck right now, practice your pre-trip out loud every day between now and then, just like you'd do for your CDL exam with the state patrol checking every little thing that's gotta be called out right. Do it in the same order, every time, every day, multiple times a day if you can. Get a pattern going. You'll have to adjust your pattern a little when you get there, but at least you'll have the bulk of it down this way, and that'll make it easier to remember everything under pressure.

    They're testing your attitude as much as your driving skills. Be a good sport with a solid sense of respect, human decency, and kindness. Be open to learning while you're there. Don't go trying to show how much you know about everything. Just show them you know what you're doing, help your fellow drivers if they ask for it, and don't hit nothin'.
    Stonehjl and WalmartOrBust Thank this.
  6. Driver Success

    Driver Success Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2019
    I totally agree.
  7. WalmartOrBust

    WalmartOrBust Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2024
    Thanks you guys for the information I really appreciate it. I’m nervous, but confident I’ve taken a week off of work for the onboarding, so either way it goes I will still have a job at the end of the week. I’m hoping this will take some of the pressure off.
    ConsciousTrucker Thanks this.
  8. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Walmart....or bust?

    You say that....almost like it's the only worthwhile CDL job out there....

    :p :D :rolleyes:

    -- L
  9. ConsciousTrucker

    ConsciousTrucker Light Load Member

    Apr 16, 2020
    It doesn't have to be the "only" job to be a worthwhile goal. And to be fair, it's a pretty dang sweet job as far as driving a truck is concerned, by countless metrics.
  10. WalmartOrBust

    WalmartOrBust Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2024
    Hey just wanted to jump back on here, and let you guys know that I passed my on boarding in Garland today, and I got the hat and coin to prove it lol. Thanks again for the advice and information. I hope our conversation helps someone else trying to find info about the Walmart onboarding process.
  11. Driver Success

    Driver Success Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2019
    Congratulations and welcome Walmart Driver! I pray you have a successful career here.
    viper822004 and WalmartOrBust Thank this.
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