What if it Snows?
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Dave_in_AZ, Mar 19, 2018.
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D.Tibbitt, Dave_in_AZ, Lepton1 and 7 others Thank this.
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D.Tibbitt, Dave_in_AZ, Lepton1 and 5 others Thank this.
2old Thanks this.
InTooDeep, D.Tibbitt, Cattleman84 and 6 others Thank this.
D.Tibbitt, otterinthewater, 2old and 2 others Thank this.
Crisis fixed.
Dumb driver award goes to this guy...
My guage doesn't read properly when I hit about a quarter tank of fuel. So I always physically look inside...the driver side.
Apparently either the valve where the fuel lines go to the engine or the return valve on one side is clogged because I had about 20 gal in the left and about 2 in the right.
Lesson learnedRidgeRunner731, InTooDeep, D.Tibbitt and 5 others Thank this. -
Michael Jackson started out with kittens.RidgeRunner731, InTooDeep, FlaSwampRat and 2 others Thank this. -
InTooDeep, D.Tibbitt, FlaSwampRat and 3 others Thank this.
lovesthedrive, 2old, MACK E-6 and 6 others Thank this. -
RidgeRunner731, InTooDeep, 2old and 2 others Thank this.
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