Anonymousproxy - Reviews

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  • Equipment and Maintenance
  • Dispatchers and Managers
Garbage equipment left from whatever company they raid & liquidate

Liars. Beware if your company gets bought out by these crooks. They will give you the “it’ll be just like always just a different name on the door”. They will make promises like “we’ll keep the current team togaether”, then proceed to push the old companies drivers out, fire whatever office staff is left, then they will keep all the good equipment/freight for themselves while leaving the old company’s driver with the leftover garbage.

Currently Employed at Company: No
  • Overall
  • Home Time
  • Equipment and Maintenance
  • Dispatchers and Managers
Good equipment, miles are good, long running freight.
Not many. Communication could be improved a bit for after hours.

One of the only good 48 state otr companies left. Equipment is well taken care of. Pay is competitive and you’ll get the miles which counts considering the shaky freight market. There’s companies that might offer much higher per mile or “salary” but those companies won’t have the freight or the miles, or they are burying themselves. Holland has always had a good solid base and reputation. There’s no bs and they leave the drivers alone. Trucks are well taken care of and equipped with huge refrigerators, tv (optional if you want a tv in the truck or not, but it’s nice to have so I suggest why not go for it). No micromanaging, there’s none of that “fuel solution” garbage like the mega’s use.

Currently Employed at Company: Yes
  • Overall
  • Home Time
  • Equipment and Maintenance
  • Dispatchers and Managers
Salary also means no paid vacation, no layover/stopoff/detention pay, no raises. Equipment is garbage, maintenance and safety dept. are both completely inept. Current ceo(original owner’s kid) is a toxic incompetent joke of a manager and ran the company into the ground.

When I first joined them 9 years ago the original owner was in charge and it was a great company. Since the owner’s kid took over it became a mismanaged joke.

Currently Employed at Company: No