Bud A. - Reviews

  • Overall
  • Home Time
  • Equipment and Maintenance
  • Dispatchers and Managers
Better than average equipment and great maintenance. Lots of freight in lots of places. Always get me where I need to go for home time (3 different cities to see family). Actually support making safety a priority. Decent facilities at most terminals. No debt so good strength during downturns.
Will use thin excuses to avoid paying quarterly bonus. Will push you into a loaner if breakdown takes more than two days to fix, even if the shop says it will be done on the third day. Too high a percentage of whiny and lazy drivers with unrealistic expectations. Occasionally loads have too much time on them with no opportunity to deliver early.

Entering 4th year at Crete, which is the longest I've stayed at a company because I leave when the pay drops for any reason. They're not perfect but they're better than most.

Currently Employed at Company: Yes