Alec the trish - Reviews

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Apart from not having anyone looking over your shoulder, there's not a lot, even less than that..........yeah, can't think of anything at all.
A general lack of support from the leader team. The next question asks "Currently employed at the company?" Answer, Yes but maybe not for long, I need to find something better than this. See the country, One parking lot at a time.

This is a little difficult for me as I have only been driving with this company for just over a month, but I am seriously thinking of either getting out totally and going into a different trade or possibly another carrier, although i think that it may just be the same crap under a different cover. I travel half way across the country to pick up my truck, which is in a tank wash (these are normally in the middle of nowhere), luckily I have the hire car that I used to get here. Now I can get some supplies to tide me over for a while, while I sit in the tank wash parking area for the weekend. Get dispatched on Monday using an app on my phone becausr the qualcomm doesn't work properly. I get routed to an operating center later that week to get the offending technology replaced, but was not informed that although it seems to be working, it is not as it has to be activated, which will take another day. I told my leader I would be out for 2 weeks then home for the weekend. just before this weekend home I find that I on my way to the other side of the country, when I call in about this discrepancy I am told that home time should be requested through the qualcomm, IT WASNT WORKING WHEN I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS. "Oh, sorry about that". "Doesnt matter, I only had tickets for a show that friends and family were coming to". So I ask for hometime for the following weekend, Thursday evening to Monday morning, managed to get me home Friday evening. Upon my return I am undertaking further training for two days to get certified for one of our clients that have specific rules. After this training on the second day I am dispatched for an expected eight hour drive, spend what is left of the night in a truck stop then proceed to get loaded with product, the loading is expected to take 2 hours, but I am there for five and a half, now I am going to be late at my unload, call my leader and ask for advise, "Yes customer will take you late". The following day I travel to a tank wash to drop the trailer and do not hve another dispatch (and it's a holiday weekend), so it looks like I am in a parking lot with no ability to get to a shopping center to replenish my supplies. I could have taken the trailer to the tank wash that I use to park my personal vehicle, as it is the same distance, and had a weekend at home instead of stuck in a parking lot. I had the same level of assistance when the qualcomm failed. I would call my leader for help and "We will call you back shortly". The shortly usually means the next day. It's just a good job that all my phone calls are recorded and time stamped. Oh, and before I forget, I don't think that i am getting a quarterly bonus as in the last month I have used 44,000 gallons of fuel and have an average speed of 572 MPH. I know this is a long vehicle but I'm sure a 747 has wings and is longer. But Corporate say they can't find anything wrong with the qualcomm. As for the pay, if you take into consideration the hours, the sitting in tank washes and parking lots and the pay is probably below minimum wage. I was informed that that the CDL training would be reimbursed but I havent seen anything of it yet after three months.

Currently Employed at Company: Yes