JTAN - Reviews

  • Overall
  • Home Time
  • Equipment and Maintenance
  • Dispatchers and Managers
Good miles..decent trk..if they ask me to do something extra I was paid for it..I had a good dispatcher...had a few trl tires go down , roadside was pretty fast..always got home as requested.
Couldn't move 5th wheel slide then , could make weight a problem..they were still using a lot of their old trailers then some tandem and floor issues...like most bigger outfits weekend dispatch could be a hassle..

You are fed well during orientation..I had a young but very capable dispatch..pay wasn't the best on a CPM basis gut I got good mileage. I ran a prostar 10spd. Though I've never really cared for international's I never had any tractor problems.. The old trailers PTL had then could cause a few..big thing to me was I never caught em lying to me.

Currently Employed at Company: No