Been here over 6 years. Its been a good ride for the most part. Pay has always been consistent ill give them that. 1400 -1600 net take home after everything. Lately this seems to have reduced slightly to 1300-1450ish net after taxes. Miles have also went down but this is probably due to loads. Usually youll do a couple shorter loads 400-800 miles on either coast then a long load 2k miles plus coast to coast and this is where its butter and sliced bread. However this seems to have changed over the past year after they bought out a smaller company and the main corporation was also bought out. So far this year 2 of the best coaches have quit. Also the east coast planner david left he was dope. Since then it hasent been as good as it once was but looking at other companies its still better than 90%... They do need to get rid of a certain coach though he has serious anger issues or something.