Get Ready for Trash Appcolypse

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Mike2633, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Alright everyone, with people staying home and cooking and having to be more self reliant and schools closed and nursing homes unable to use there dining rooms and having to box up all there meals residential and certain health care facility trash collection routes are going to be going through the roof.
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  3. Rideandrepair

    Rideandrepair Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2015
    We saw trash collectors picking up at midnight last night.
  4. D.Tibbitt

    D.Tibbitt Road Train Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Gettin' down westbound
    Good for them. Them trash haulers dont get enough praise. They are real heroes doing a nasty job .
    PE_T, ACO476, Itsbrokeagain and 17 others Thank this.
  5. LDLWells

    LDLWells Heavy Load Member

    Jan 14, 2019

    That was just your local serial killers union sneaking some extra work in
  6. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    Garbage trucks have special rights and I had to get out of the way for one at a nursing home I deliver to this morning. They have (2) 8 yard dumpsters both packed to the top. It took him a good 15-20 minutes to get both of those emptied and packed in. The maintenance manager at the facility said to one of the kitchen employees, get ready for garbage apocalypse here.
  7. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    They do that, when the City of Cleveland gets behind they will send a night shift out and collect over night it's happened for sure. Residential garbage here is going to spike in a minute.
    D.Tibbitt and Rideandrepair Thank this.
  8. Rideandrepair

    Rideandrepair Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2015
    I noticed a lot of Amazon Prime, and UPS doubles on my trip south..I’m thinking that Amazon will keep a lot of the new bussiness, after the crisis is over. People by habit will stick with it, making Amazon bigger yet.
  9. snowlauncher

    snowlauncher Road Train Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    Southeastern ID
    You can say that again!!! My dad was a city employed garbage collector for over 30 yrs... He has a few stories to tell, not to mention when he started back in the day, they had no AC in the trucks and had to fling the trash bags by hand all day...
  10. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    We have a good number of city departments here in North East Ohio that still do garbage the old fashioned way. There not all gone yet! Shaker Heights, Ohio is a good example you should see the trash.
    snowlauncher and D.Tibbitt Thank this.
  11. Mike2633

    Mike2633 Road Train Member

    Jun 14, 2013
    At Home on The West Side
    1E2E0B43-E106-456D-9835-77500F62DFFA.jpeg A20874C3-9304-4BA4-BE99-607BA2A954AD.jpeg 84F9A579-AA1E-4508-B56C-B5644E1BCD52.jpeg 72F7933A-0C20-4769-80D9-D3CC2C751EAB.jpeg These pictures were taken around New Years 2020 but it’s a good indicator of what’s to come.

    no major snow events this year so the city departments should be able to handle the garbage onslaught.
    This is the City of Rocky River, Ohio Service Department which is one of the top trash collection operations in the state of Ohio. Getting it done the old fashioned way.
    magoo68 Thanks this.
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