Thinking about coming to tmc

Discussion in 'TMC' started by Dondiego, Dec 27, 2020.

  1. Dondiego

    Dondiego Bobtail Member

    Dec 5, 2020
    does tmc offer manual transmission training?
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  3. SRJ

    SRJ Light Load Member

    Jan 17, 2020
    I believe in my research earlier in the year, they only train on autos.
    MericanMade Thanks this.
  4. MericanMade

    MericanMade Heavy Load Member

    Aug 14, 2019
    Pensacola, FL
    Ah! TMC. The ol' black and chrome. The recruiter drove up in a black sedan. He wore black cowboy boots, black jeans, a black belt with silver studs and buckle, a black collared shirt, a black cowboy hat with silver studs around the brim, and some gaudy jewelry.

    Of course, we all swooned and signed up. :p
  5. Iowa80

    Iowa80 Light Load Member

    Aug 23, 2019
    Word is they’re the military of trucking outfits.

    They own the hotel where you’ll stay for training... but don’t you walk on the grass, they put a sidewalk there for a reason.

    50 guys show up for training... instructor tells the 50 only 3 will walk out alive.

    tarps.. the 80 and 120 pounder have to be folded “the TMC way” or you can find the door.

    my buddy hired on with them... they made the all-time promise of “home Friday evening back out Monday morning” whereupon his first run was to New Mexico with steel poles, a pick up in Kansas of Hay to Pennsylvania... a crane to Cleveland, and construction material to Chicago... he didn’t see his house for two weeks.

    I guess one guy even got fired on the first day of training because he couldn’t find the gears.

    Steep curve over there at TMC.
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