Driver facing cams

Discussion in 'Canadian Truckers Forum' started by Canadianhauler21, Jul 17, 2021.

  1. BigHossVolvo

    BigHossVolvo Road Train Member

    Dec 15, 2016
    Calgary, Alberta
    Very true,

    However, outside camera's record the facts, inside camera's record opinions.
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  3. mudflap77

    mudflap77 Heavy Load Member

    Oct 11, 2010
    South western Ontario
    Insides only record facts also the opinions are made up in our minds. Same with speed limiters causing accidents. They don't, it all comes down to the decisions of the loose nut behind the wheel.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2021
  4. mudflap77

    mudflap77 Heavy Load Member

    Oct 11, 2010
    South western Ontario
    And for the record I don't support speed limiters or driver facing cameras. But I do support the right of the owner of the equipment to determine whether they are used and for the company to set their own policies on both.
    Canadianhauler21 and BigHossVolvo Thank this.
  5. Elroythekid

    Elroythekid Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Halifax Nova Scotia
    Try hanging a picture of something flaccid, or erect.... when you are sleeping or stopped. See how long it takes before you get a call. I had a friend who drove for a company that gave him the "not recording all the time" "only in an accident" bs, he hung, (pun intended) a pic every time he was parked. Took a little over a week before he got the call.
    He quit. They look in from time to time, it's a fact. I'll never have one.
    MACK E-6, Cat sdp, Magoo1968 and 5 others Thank this.
  6. Iron Maiden

    Iron Maiden Light Load Member

    Apr 1, 2021
    Of course they do. It's for your safety though. LOL. Bunch of liars.
  7. Canadianhauler21

    Canadianhauler21 Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2017
    Yep. The day I was in the office and he was showing me the clips it basically takes one picture every one hour. When you stop it also takes a picture and when you start moving again. But when I'm off duty I can cover it. I'm currently on a trip to Chicago, if I hear anything about it on Monday I will literally leave the company tomorrow. I was hoping to hear from some other employers by now but nope.
    Elroythekid Thanks this.
  8. WildTiger1990

    WildTiger1990 Heavy Load Member

    Apr 21, 2015
    To all who thinks that camera record only xxx seconds before and after a total idiots, CAMERA DONT SEE FUTURE!
    It's only "saving video from some type of even".
    In case of an accident lawyer will get under you skin for "not looking on mirror every 8 second " - oops you crap driver , not monitoring the road.
    "Drink water " - oops you crap driver, driving distracted, and list can go on and on , and on..
  9. Canadianhauler21

    Canadianhauler21 Heavy Load Member

    May 15, 2017
    Leaving this company after this trip, they put so much emphasis on safety but yet told me to drive 1.5 hours on PC to get to the border. Covered the camera for the remainder of the trip also.
    BigHossVolvo, Cat sdp and nredfor88 Thank this.
  10. nredfor88

    nredfor88 Road Train Member

    Sep 26, 2019
    That is correct, but one should also note; the camera is in a continuous recording loop, saving all to memory until it reaches capacity, and then writes over the oldest content. The event recording that you mentioned is merely a marked point in the continuous recording for identifying what needs to be played back. And that does not preclude the ability to randomly retrieve for review any moment in the recording loop.

    The bottom line is if there is a face cam, it is always recording while activated. It is always activated while driving, and potentially can be at any other time depending on how it's programmed.

    A good lawyer will find something on that recording that can be used to fry the driver. Face cams don't help the driver, they harm the driver.
    BigHossVolvo and Magoo1968 Thank this.
  11. tinytim

    tinytim Road Train Member

    Oct 29, 2007
    Northern Ontario
    If they harm the driver they also can harm the company.

    Swift got rid of them for a reason.
    BigHossVolvo and nredfor88 Thank this.
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