I Just Applied at Arrow! LOL!

Discussion in 'Arrow' started by Rug_Trucker, Dec 23, 2009.

  1. Rug_Trucker

    Rug_Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 7, 2009
    Near Nashville TN
    Arrow trucking had an ad posted on Craigslist to return trucks to Tulsa. I emailed my number to them. Told them I was ready to roll on Christmas day if necessary.

    Just wondering how I will be guarnteed my $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$????????!!!!!!!!!

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  3. dancnoone

    dancnoone "Village Idiot"

    May 6, 2007
    Your money may be the least of your concerns.

    Especially if you stop to eat somewhere near a hungry EX Arrow driver.
  4. rixcamp

    rixcamp Light Load Member

    Jun 4, 2008
    I used to work for this scumbag company up until October of this year, so naturally I follow this story with much interest!
    Believe it or not, Arrow compelled its drivers to get the trucks back by today, or face theft charges, all the while knowing that they shut the fuel cards off.
    Many drivers are very low on fuel, and some are out of fuel.
    And yet, they attempt to shift the burden and blame onto the drivers!
    This is outrageous, especially since the drivers are the ones who make it possible for the stinking company to make a profit.

    On topix.com, there are idiots sticking up for the owners(the Pielstickers), and saying that they are devastated. Like hell, the drivers are the ones who are devastated!
    During the past 3 weeks, many of the checks that Arrow wrote, bounced.
    Can you imagine if you or I wrote bad checks?
    Especially thousands of $$ worth of bad checks? We would be in jail!

    Yet, some folks feel sorry for the Pielstickers. Makes me want to puke!
  5. bamanation

    bamanation Heavy Load Member

    Jan 22, 2009
    Muscle Shoals ,AL
    The truck would have made as close to my house as possible. Then it would be left where it ran out of fuel.
    Hanadarko Thanks this.
  6. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Was the ad placed by Arrow , Daimler , or a driveaway company ? That's something , isn't it ? Drivers get stranded then somebody else gets paid to move the trucks . :biggrin_25516:
    roaddawg92 Thanks this.
  7. lonewolf4ad

    lonewolf4ad Road Train Member

    Nov 4, 2008
    Displaced to Colorado
    The first time I had a check that bounced from them I would be using the fuel card for the next fuel stop. dropping the trailer, and heading for home
  8. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Guess what ? The fuel card wouldn't work . When I started driving the carrier paid fuel for each trip after you were loaded . I always kept enough cash for fuel home . Never needed it though .
  9. outerspacehillbilly

    outerspacehillbilly "Instigator of the Legend"

    May 28, 2009
    The Who's Your State
    It did when the first checks bounced. The word is the drivers have not been paid in a month. Who works for a month for free or a week for that matter? Sure as hell not me. :biggrin_25513:
  10. dancnoone

    dancnoone "Village Idiot"

    May 6, 2007

    I have :yes2557: 3 whole weeks

    But rest assured it was NOT a trucking company. And the company is a major player in our area now. Sometimes there is more than meets the eye to a successful company. As is there to the neighbor who appears to be the luckiest SOB in the neighborhood.

    Based on what I'm hearing though, most of these drivers should have bailed weeks ago. But you really can't blame the drivers for trying, unless they had something they could have gone to. Especially when hope is all that's left.
  11. rubbergearsnextyear

    rubbergearsnextyear Heavy Load Member

    Nov 7, 2007
    Lexington, SC
    Ya got to stick around to get unemployment, which remember, these drivers will be getting! Hell unemployment might be higher than what they're getting lately anyways lol.
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