Riding Bikes

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by Long FLD, Sep 2, 2021.

  1. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    I’ve been into bikes since grade school when I got my first BMX bike and it gave me the freedom to ride and explore all day until it got dark. The first time I got to ride my “real” mountain bike in the Black Hills I was hooked. I would work nights and weekends at the Triple H Truckstop in Murdo just to have money for gas and bike parts and to be able to go on a bunch of weekend camping trips in the summer.

    I spent a lot of my adult life in Missoula MT. Most of my free time was spent outdoors there no matter what season it was. Most of my co-workers wanted time off during the summer so I’d take a lot of mine in the winter and I’d head to the desert for a few weeks of camping and riding.

    Fast forward to now. I don’t have as much time as I’d like but I’m active as much as I can be. Part of the reason I enjoy having a newer truck is the ability to walk away from it for a few days and know it’s ready to go when I’m done with my time off. The riding isn’t as exciting as a single track trail in the mountains of western Montana, but the trade off is I no longer need to carry bear spray. Gone is full suspension trail bike with 150mm of travel on both ends, in its place is a bike made for exploring the endless gravel and dirt roads of Nebraska.

    Most of my rides now are at a slower pace and involve some snacks to make sure I can get home after a day of riding. Here are some pics from Fillmore County Nebraska, USA.

    EB993C61-398C-4161-B911-D26C2D2EF62C.jpeg E20EF154-519B-403E-9EE3-6C3BA7BE26AE.jpeg E3A24D78-C266-47F9-8C04-53876311F6E5.jpeg 3834B5BD-3334-49A6-BB97-34A0765D2A3C.jpeg E77A45BF-1451-40AD-822F-6BC032B11608.jpeg
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  3. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    I’m currently in the process of getting this one set up for some desert exploration this December. I plan on heading to NV and AZ for a couple weeks or more depending on if the new truck is here or not.

  4. Puppage

    Puppage Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    Great pics!
    D.Tibbitt and Long FLD Thank this.
  5. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    I love biking. I'm actually headed off to the mountains tomorrow for a week and hope to hit some new single track. Going to take the action cam along and hopefully get some good video.
    D.Tibbitt, Brettj3876, Flint1 and 4 others Thank this.
  6. nikmirbre

    nikmirbre Road Train Member

    Jul 27, 2011
    High Point NC
    Post it! Im sure youre views will be better than mine. I plan on going riding one day next week while my truck is in the shop.
    AModelCat Thanks this.
  7. '88K100

    '88K100 Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2020
    I was made aware of the Shimano Di2 auto shifting on bicycles. Have not used it but read great reviews.
  8. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    This was the last ride I recorded: little slow at the start but lots of downhill in the last 2-3 minutes.
    Brettj3876, Flint1, nikmirbre and 2 others Thank this.
  9. Big Road Skateboard

    Big Road Skateboard Road Train Member

    May 2, 2021
    Decided to replace my old mid 90's Raleigh from my adventure racing days this year. Apparently I waited till the wrong time, as none of my dealers had much in stock.

    I was planning on a Salsa Timberjack, but none were available this year.

    A dealer called with a Trek Marlin 7 in my size. Huge upgrade from my old Raleigh. I used the leftover funds for several upgrades, and some nice packs for bikepacking.
    nikmirbre, AModelCat and Long FLD Thank this.
  10. Wasted Thyme

    Wasted Thyme Road Train Member

    Jan 27, 2020
    GOAT watching
    It'd be nice to have one with you on the truck.
  11. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    Yeah you picked the wrong time. Lol. At least you could find parts to upgrade with.
  12. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    My new truck will have an upper bunk that won’t be used. I’ve really been thinking about getting a fold up bike that I can strap down.
    Wasted Thyme Thanks this.
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