Going for a road test at UPS, any advice?

Discussion in 'UPS/UPSF' started by prostartom, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. prostartom

    prostartom Light Load Member

    Jun 20, 2014
    Got a conditional job offer from UPS for a feeder driver, going Thursday for the road test any advice would be helpful.
    I haven’t decided if I will actually take the position yet as it will be the benefits, hours, type of work, and areas I will run in that will affect my decision wether or not I will switch companies. The foreign lady who did my phone interview had no knowledge of those details.
    I applied at a location that’s a little over an hour away and that’s a lot farther than I wanted to be, but if I do decide to take the job hopefully I can transfer to one of 2 locations that are 1/2 hour from me before too long.

    Hopefully that’s something I can discuss at the road test.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
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  3. Puppage

    Puppage Road Train Member

    Aug 2, 2012
    Best of luck to you.
    prostartom Thanks this.
  4. Opus

    Opus Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    South GA
    Don't fart if you can help it
    1catfish, Lonesome, Capacity and 3 others Thank this.
  5. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    drive on the sidewalk.
    LtlAnonymous and prostartom Thank this.
  6. idriveaholden

    idriveaholden Super Heavy Hauler

    Mar 14, 2018
    If you can actually drive you’ll be fine . They’ll probably be amazed you can even shift.
    You know most of the drivers ups has come up from loading trucks. They’re not truck drivers there. They can hardly drive after 10 years because they get training from inexperienced people, and all they really want is for you to follow every stupid rule they have..

    You probably won’t ever be able to transfer either it’s extremely rare at ups.
    If you can make it through the bs it’s probably worth it. I doubt you’ll ever make more money anywhere else and be home
    LtlAnonymous Thanks this.
  7. idriveaholden

    idriveaholden Super Heavy Hauler

    Mar 14, 2018
    Oh don’t hit ANYTHING in your first 90 days or you’ll be instantly gone as well
    LtlAnonymous and prostartom Thank this.
  8. prostartom

    prostartom Light Load Member

    Jun 20, 2014
    I doubt the road test will include a NYC leg, but if it does I have seen enough people drive on the sidewalk there that it shouldn’t be a problem.

    No transfers may be a problem. I had originally applied for a position at one of the closer yards but the recruiter said it was a part time casual position that would have full time hours. I didn’t really like the sound of that so I just dismissed it.
    But my current company is really starting to get on my nerves, and I am getting tired of doing overnights even though I get to stay in hotels.
    Maybe I should wait until a position opens up at one of the closer facilities. I am not sure if I could handle an hour commute after a long day in the roads.
    Lonesome and LtlAnonymous Thank this.
  9. idriveaholden

    idriveaholden Super Heavy Hauler

    Mar 14, 2018
    Top pay is like 42$ an hour that’s 61$ an hour over time. It’ll will probably be more then that , I think they have a new contract coming soon.
    You could possibly get an otr team route.
    Yeah You’ll definitely be burnout. Everyone there is it doesn’t matter how far the commute is. But there is no more money in trucking as a company driver period.
    LtlAnonymous and prostartom Thank this.
  10. prostartom

    prostartom Light Load Member

    Jun 20, 2014
    Not interested in a team job even though I understand it pays the most. I am still a little unclear about exactly what duties a feeder driver does. From my understanding it’s just running from UPS terminal to UPS terminal. No p&d, the foreign lady made it about as clear as mud.
    I am trying to get away from dealing with customers and running back roads. I have been doing that for the last 19 years and I just don’t have the patience for it anymore.
    A video they made me watch during the application process said I may be required to run a yard truck switching trailers some days which I am fine with as long as it’s not everyday. I also wouldn’t be upset if I was required to do some dock work as getting some time off from the road is a good thing in my opinion, in moderation of course.
    JOHNQPUBLIC, Lonesome and LtlAnonymous Thank this.
  11. idriveaholden

    idriveaholden Super Heavy Hauler

    Mar 14, 2018
    terminal to terminal, railyard pick ups and drop offs, customer empty drops and pick ups. driver meets from further locations and swap trailers.
    its always drop and hook. maybe sometimes waiting at a terminal for them to finish loading a trailer but they have strict time schedues.
    it depends on your route. you'll most likely be a yard dog for a lot of the time until you get senority or a better bid. no dock work
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