Carhauler Training

Discussion in 'Car Hauler and Auto Carrier Trucking Forum' started by kpopcowboy, Apr 24, 2022.

  1. kpopcowboy

    kpopcowboy Bobtail Member

    Apr 6, 2022
    I was wondering if anybody knows of any companies that train carhaulers with little to no driving experience. I’m just getting started, and I plan to leave the Crusty carrier that suckered me into signing a contract with them, and I’m eventually gonna get into car hauling one way or another. It seems like most companies want 2 years or so before they will hire you, but I wonder if the last couple years have loosened up those requirements a little bit. Any advice is much appreciated.
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  3. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Most carhaul companies train rookie drivers now as they can’t find enough experienced drivers who want to do this job. Where you live will be an important piece of information to determine what “may” be the best company to look at working for. Some companies and/or terminals are road jobs with or without sleepers while other companies get you home every day or two putting you up in a hotel. Depends on the way you want to operate as to which companies to recommend.
  4. CarhaulingKev

    CarhaulingKev Bobtail Member

    Oct 4, 2018
    Where are you based out of? I have trucks in Austin, TX and we’re always looking to add people to our team..
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2022
  5. kpopcowboy

    kpopcowboy Bobtail Member

    Apr 6, 2022
    Right now I live near Greenville, SC. Me and my girlfriend both got our CDL to get into car hauling, and neither of us would mind relocating for an opportunity to go to work for a company that would train us to do it. Neither of us has kids either, and I guess we’d probably prefer being out on the road.
    I think you’d mentioned to me before Banker that in your opinion team cars would suck, and that makes a lot of sense. I guess I was wondering if there is even any demand for team company drivers in car hauling at all? Does anybody know of any companies that even employ teams to haul cars? Thanks
  6. kpopcowboy

    kpopcowboy Bobtail Member

    Apr 6, 2022
    I’m out of Greenville, SC, but like I said in a previous post, I’d be willing to relocate if the right opportunity came along to get my foot in the door. Me and my girlfriend both want to haul cars, so if someone was willing to take the time to show us the ropes, they’d have two really good, committed, hardworking young drivers.
  7. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Greer has many companies hauling out of there. I would call each one and see what they have to offer you. I may be leaving some out but I am aware of Hansen and Adkins, Moore, United Road and Virginia. I have been leased to Hansen and Adkins for over 6 years and plan to work here until I retire, but I know absolutely nothing about our freight out of that terminal.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2022
  8. Hulld

    Hulld Road Train Member

    Oct 19, 2015
    Upstate NY
    There may be an opportunity to look in to for team car haul doing snow birds from a terminal up by the Canadian boarder to a terminal in Florida?
    You would just keep round tripping back and forth between the two terminals during the season.
    You would definitely need good training though as you would be handling lots of high value cars.
  9. kpopcowboy

    kpopcowboy Bobtail Member

    Apr 6, 2022
    Thanks, that’s good to know, I’ve checked into a couple of those companies and I’ll definitely look into the others and give them a call early next week. If you don’t mind me asking, what are the things you like about Hansen and Adkins that make you want to retire with them?
  10. kpopcowboy

    kpopcowboy Bobtail Member

    Apr 6, 2022
    I had actually given that some thought. I’ve heard that the cars are more expensive and the customers can be really particular too, but that it’s a good opportunity to kind of build yourself a solid customer base through word of mouth. Is that the kind of thing that you could do with with a 9/10 car hauler, or is it better suited for a smaller setup with a dually and a wedge or something?
    Another Canadian driver and Hulld Thank this.
  11. Banker

    Banker Road Train Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    They are very good people to work with, they get me home 5-7 nights a week and they compensate me well. My home time and revenue are helped drastically by living almost midway between two active terminals that ship freight towards each other allowing me a high percentage of loaded/paid miles. If I were you I would interview all of the carriers hauling out of what ever yard you want to work out of. I would ask them what does their most productive driver at that terminal earn a week, how many hours to get that and how often I would get home. I would also want to know what the least productive driver at that terminal earns. You likely will be one of the least productive for a while and in due time you will want to be in the top of productive drivers. Every company is not always the best or worst at every location for every driver, but if you do enough research about the things that are most important to you hopefully you will find a better fit than just me telling you how good I have it.
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