Which compay: XPO or MME?

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by basedinMN_, Jul 21, 2022.

  1. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    Nope my fault I probably worded it wrong. I get on here and just start typing and assume people can just read my mind.
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  3. basedinMN_

    basedinMN_ Medium Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    St Paul, MN
    They seem comparable with one exception- XPO offers an employee stock purchase plan. Anyone know how that works?
  4. basedinMN_

    basedinMN_ Medium Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    St Paul, MN
    Pretty #### good stock actually

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  5. motocross25

    motocross25 Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2010
    Overland Park, KS
    Idk anything about stocks that graph looks like something I saw on the back of my hand when I tried acid in high school. But one thing I have said before to people weighing out job options is check the benefits man. For example if Company A pays $30 an hour but you hafta pay 300 a week in healthcare, you’re not makin as much as if Company B paid you $25 an hour and picked up the tab on insurance. The devil is in the details for sure. Especially in trucking. Just friendly advice, do with it what you will. Best of luck!
  6. jmz

    jmz Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2018
    Great Plains
    I couldn't tell you any specifics, but in general the big LTL companies have plenty of dock doors. When you arrive, they'll either tell you to put your trailers in specific doors that are open, or leave them in the yard for a hostler to move later. And if you have to wait for a forklift, it doesn't really matter since you're on the clock at that point.

    This isn't like OTR where the shippers and receivers couldn't care less if they waste your time. In LTL linehaul, everyone you interact with is working for the same company as you, so everyone is expected to be productive and not waste resources by causing other employees to get paid to wait around.
  7. basedinMN_

    basedinMN_ Medium Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    St Paul, MN
    Well the short of it is XPO over the last ten years has beat the crap out of the S&P index.

    So if XPO is offering drivers their own stock at let's say a 15% discount, and it continues to perform that way for another ten years, that's a hell of a lot of extra $$,$$$ compared to MME.

    Swift-Knight is also publicly traded (ticker KNX). They've not faired nearly as well as XPO, but they have slightly beat the index too.

    But, I don't even know if they offer an employee purchase program to begin with. I have an interview with the MME dispatcher tomorrow, I'll ask.

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  8. basedinMN_

    basedinMN_ Medium Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    St Paul, MN
    Interviewed with MME on friday. With MME now a part of Knight-Swift (KNX), I asked about an employee share purchase program. I was told to call HR on Bismarck, and they told me that coincidentally there would be a decision on that on Monday. I got a feeling some kind of employee ownership plan will be installed. Actually, everyone at MME seems pretty positive about being acquired by Swift.

    Boy, it's a great time to be a halfways decent driver looking for a job. The interview consisted of me asking a lot of questions and the dispatcher trying to answer them. I told him about XPO's great pay got him to verbally agree to start me at year two pay- $0.73/mi and $31.60/hr. Still less than XPO tho.

    XPO recruiter said she forwarded my application to the Fridley terminal manager. I hope they move fast because I know there's a job waiting for me at MME if I want it.
  9. some other trucker

    some other trucker Light Load Member

    Apr 23, 2018
    For what it’s worth, the xpo employee stock purchase plan will allow you to purchase xpo stock at a 5% discount. It will accumulate employee contributions and actually purchase stock only twice each year (March and September this year).
  10. basedinMN_

    basedinMN_ Medium Load Member

    Jan 21, 2011
    St Paul, MN
    I see ABF has an employee stock purchase plan too.

    Anyone know how that works?
  11. upnorthwpg

    upnorthwpg Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2011
    22 years with Xpo. Work with a lot of fridley drivers. Like everyone, they are chronically short staffed. You will work the dock. They run to tomah, wi and Des Moines, and fargo are three of the bigger fac’s they run to. If no run you will work the dock all night. You will make good money, but you will work for it. If your the slightest bit hesitant about dock work, don’t bother with Xpo.
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