Pritchett Trucking

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Trashtrucker1265, Jan 16, 2010.

  1. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    Just thought I'd throw this out there, Pritchett Trucking out of Lake Butler, Fl in my opinion is one of the better things going on right now in Florida. I live in Tallahassee and run dedicated on both the Leon county trash account, and The City of Tallahassee bio-solid account. In all my years of driving I've been employed with Florida based companies and can honestly say that I've found a home driving for Pritchett, the staff in Lake Butler is second to none, and the equipment isn't too shabby either, I was just issued a 2010 Mack Pinnacle forward axle with 6500 miles currently on it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting rich doing what I'm doing, but I'm happy and able to provide a stable living for my wife and I, as far as driving in Florida is concerned my paychecks are above average, and the stability in the job is reassuring. Just my two cents on what I feel is a pretty fine establishment currently operating in a down economy in Florida.

    Zach, Pritchett
    Double Shovel, Baack and B1TOMA Thank this.
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  3. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    What a great post !!! Don't hear this too often in florida.

    They haul chip vans by here everyday, going to GP in Palatka.
  4. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    Yep, no chips for me just trash and bio-solids, just a fancy word for poop, but someone has to haul it, I've been here going on 2 years, it's nice to live in Florida and have a good job, life is good..............
    B1TOMA Thanks this.
  5. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    Too Cool, Good For You.
    Enjoy Driver !!
  6. Freesample

    Freesample Bobtail Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Moniac, Ga
    I worked for Pritchett about 8 years ago I also hauled Trash I pulled out of Rosemary Hill in Green Cove Springs Fl. As far as the work it was interesting at times I actually enjoyed it. The Equipment was average the Pay was a little low and the hours were great I just wasn't ready to be home everyday at that point in my life. But I have now reached the point where I am just about ready to call them back and see if they have anything available. Thanks for your Post.
    jtrnr1951 Thanks this.
  7. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member


    Welcome to the forum.

    Stick around, alot of good info on here.
    Baack Thanks this.
  8. Freesample

    Freesample Bobtail Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Moniac, Ga
    I have been reading here for several Months however I have just registered to day Thanks for the Welcome.
    jtrnr1951 Thanks this.
  9. Trashtrucker1265

    Trashtrucker1265 Road Train Member

    Dec 14, 2009
    Inverness, Fl
    Freesample, you should have tried the long dump division, or the out of state walking floors, I got the itch to run OTR in early 09 and transferred in to the frameless dump division, pretty good deal, actually if I wasn't married and got along well with the wife, I would still be doing that. Good, interesting runs, good pay, and as bad as 09 was economic wise, I never waited more than an hour on a load, or atleast a direction to be headed to get a load, I was home every weekend and made pretty decent money. I know Pritchett might catch some flack from drivers in Florida, but in all reality I still gross 750-800 weekly in this economy, that speaks volumes to me, I know some will say that's chump change, but I'm happy and that's all that matters right?
  10. mr truckdriver

    mr truckdriver Light Load Member

    Mar 2, 2008
    ft myers fl
    A wise man once told me one dollar is better than no dollars especially in this economy.:biggrin_25514::biggrin_25514:
  11. kjkbnapier

    kjkbnapier Light Load Member

    Jan 3, 2010
    Hey trashtrucker will they hire an exp'ed driver with a fresh dui on their record by chance ? I am located out of jax fl. The dui is almost two years old. Would love to find a company in north florida that would take on a driver with this kind record. I have 14 years exp otr and local routs. email me if you know of any companies.
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