Has anybody here ever worked (driven ) for CH Robinson ?

Discussion in 'CH Robinson' started by Keelenorth, May 21, 2010.

  1. Keelenorth

    Keelenorth Bobtail Member

    May 5, 2010
    Vaughan Ontario
    Just curious I applied For a job a while back as a produce sales person ,They gave it to some who already had an in with Walmart :biggrin_25521:
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  3. brsims

    brsims Road Train Member

    Aug 8, 2009
    Meadville, PA
    I've pulled their cheap-crap freight on occassion to get into a better freight lane. Does that count? Personally, I hate CH Robinson loads. Nothing but hassle from loading to unloading. Never had a dispatcher who liked their bullcrap, either.
    BostonTanker and rocknroll nik Thank this.
  4. Keelenorth

    Keelenorth Bobtail Member

    May 5, 2010
    Vaughan Ontario
    Out Of Mississauga Or Vaughan ? How Are They to Work For ?
  5. Phantom1616

    Phantom1616 Bobtail Member

    Aug 25, 2010
    They will shut down any company that hauls for them, I've had 2 good companies go down the drain because of them.
  6. rocknroll nik

    rocknroll nik High Risk Load Member

    Oct 18, 2008
    can't read the sign
    They aren't nicknamed "cheap and heavy" because they pay well that's for sure
  7. Moving on Down the Road

    Moving on Down the Road Light Load Member

    Mar 6, 2010
    We have and still haul for them. We have no complaints and find

    their reps extremely easy to work with.
  8. Zoomba

    Zoomba Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    Palm Coast, FL

    I am dispatch for a small owner-operator - just starting out. Right now we are doing a first time ever load with CH ROBINSON. Before this job - I have worked in customer service for over 12 years. While it is still fresh in my mind - CH Robinson is the first company that has hung up in my face and then denied it. If you haul for CH Robinson, because it seems they have great percentage for quick pay - Less than 2% BUT there are quite a few issues they have to resolve so maybe if you follow these steps, you will not get into a beef with them - because they can be nasty.

    -Make sure you haul for them for 1.75/mile or more.

    -Make sure you sign up to receive T-Checks - for some reason - according to their system - our company said we did not want T-Checks to be administered? - SERIOUSLY??? - which company deliberately signs up NOT to receive ADVANCES???? So I have to contact CARRIER SERVICES AT (800) 326-9977. IF you are a fairly new company make sure you ask for this - I am doing this in an hour when that department opens up.

    -MAKE SURE to ALWAYS ask if there are ANY lumpers - because CH ROBINSON will not prepay their lumpers - even if you are scheduled an appointment time in early hours like 5:00am. They also will tell you that it is YOUR responsibility to ask them if there are any lumpers - even if they HAVE the complete load info staring at them. I had it easy with other, more considerate companies when they gave me all the info I needed to efficiently deliver THEIR load in a TIMELY fashion. My driver just left because he was held back due to a lumper since 3am this morning - and NO - the lumper folks do not take company credit cards - our only means of payment outside regular hours.

    -If you lose your cool because their inability to provide you with decent customer service BREATH DEEPLY and end your comversation until you are able to speak without shouting. It is only a small bump on the road.

    *My Opinion - If you are hauling their freight for HALF or LESS the pay than their brokers - they should have the decency to at least give you the most accurate info so that you can effectively deliver the product in a timely fashion. :biggrin_2559: feed me info:biggrin_25526:
  9. G/MAN

    G/MAN Road Train Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    I have done business with CH Robinson for many years and have never had anyone from any of their offices hang up on me. If you feel that you have not been treated in a professional manner then you can always find a supervisor for that office and talk with them. I did once have a problem with one person at one of their offices. I don't blame the entire company for a single individual. The situation was resolved once I contacted the office manager. For the number of years that I have dealt with them, I consider it a minor glitch.

    You will need to sign up for advances with most of the major brokerages. There are usually fees attached to receiving advances. Brokers also want to make sure that management is aware of any advances. Not all carriers get advances. There should not be a need for most to receive advances from them since they pay in 24-48 hours after delivery and receipt of your paperwork. CH Robinson has a number of safeguards built in to protect carriers from dishonest dispatchers or drivers. Frankly, I appreciate them taking such care to protect my interests.

    It is up to the dispatcher or carrier to ask the right questions when it comes to lumpers or fees. It is also up to the dispatcher or carrier to negotiate the best rates. Just because CH Robinson or any other broker, offers a certain rate doesn't mean that they won't pay more to move the load. If you can't get your rate, then move on to the next load or broker. I have a very good friend who runs his own authority and has been hauling CH Robinson loads exclusively for several years. He is averaging about $2/mile with a van. That is for ALL miles. I have found their customer service to be among the best around. That doesn't mean that there have not been issues from time to time, but they have always done a good job in trying to resolve any problems. You will have issues with anyone that you do business. The key is to work with them to resolve any problems that may arise.
  10. Zoomba

    Zoomba Bobtail Member

    Jan 16, 2012
    Palm Coast, FL

    We normally haul loads for 2/mile with most companies. For the CH Robinson load, I didn't even had to ask for a supervisor. I had a load rep explain to me later on that day what you just posted and she also went far beyond what she needed to get me the fuel advance my truck driver needed - needless to say - we are very pleased. :biggrin_25525::biggrin_25514:
    tbirdtobin Thanks this.
  11. G/MAN

    G/MAN Road Train Member

    Sep 3, 2010

    I am glad that it worked out for you. As you haul for CH Robinson, you will become more familiar with their system and those who have better paying loads. It can be helpful if you can develop a relationship with an individual at one of their offices that can help keep you loaded. I am not sure if they still do this, but once you haul a certain number of loads for one office, they are supposed to assist you in finding loads that meet your criteria, whether it is a load that is through their office or another. It is like having your own dispatcher at CHR. If you go to their website, there is also a "hot Load" area where you can check for dedicated and hot loads that they need trucks. Most are vans or reefers. I have even seen power only in that part of their website.
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