Suppport Thread for the TND 500, TND 700 or future Rand McNally products.

Discussion in 'Trucking Electronics, Gadgets and Software Forum' started by Mark Kling, Apr 16, 2010.

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  1. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Is this update going to have US-75 in southern Okahoma fixed? Meaning
    through Okmulgee and on south to Henryetta, OK. Currently the unit is
    calling it US-62 and when you head south to Okmulgee and get about
    through that city it wants you to take a left on another highway I
    the name or number of it. But the unit is calling the highway that runs
    north and south through Okmulgee and Henryetta US-62 when in fact it is
    US-75, that's what everyone and their brother knows it as is US-75,
    the city of Okmulgee it is also called Wood. But when you get to that
    mid-way point in Okmulgee where the unit wants to direct you to make
    left turn if you are heading south and you ignore it and stay on US-75
    south the unit says "Weight Violation" and it won't recalculate the
    It is not weight restricted there, it is posted good for 43 tons. I
    used the tell rand option or by email from their site, I forget which,
    this when their first units came out with the 5" screen that I had and
    seems like it has been a couple years ago and they responded by email
    they will correct this. Now fast forward and I bought another unit, the
    it still isn't corrected, even after I mentioned it to you Mark about 5
    or 6
    months ago. Thought I would try to tell you after messaging Rand about
    and not corrected. But it still isn't corrected. I know nothing is
    or going to be, but after telling Rand about this and some time later
    mentioning it to you Mark, it still isn't fixed is a little bit of
    cause I travel that way multiple times a week so I deal with it for
    I am not trying to offend anyone, just been dealing with this one
    for a very long time and on two seperate units I have purchased. Would
    love to see it fixed! Thanks.
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  3. k7tkr

    k7tkr Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2010
    The data has to come from somewhere though. Does RM already have a predictive database? I was assuming that when the traffic module is out in public that the data for the predictive database would be complied from the receivers out in the field.

    Today I received serveral predictive traffic alerts and all for heavy traffic-none of which were accurate. Ok-no deal breaker here cause I assume there isn't enough data in the database yet.

    Also had a route error-and a strange one.

    Routed from Maplewood, Nj to Rome, Ny. The segment where I87 merges into I90 (all part of the New York Thruway) was simpley labled as "Buffalo" and stayed that way till I passed the part of the interchange where I90 coming in from Mass merges. This is in the Albany, Ny area.

    Another quick observation...

    Where there are two labels for a road-especialling the bottem crossroad/exit, current road/ city-county-state display, the unit will display the local name of the road. For example, if a road is named X locally but is also NY00, it will display X and not NY00. This might be nit-picking on my part and I don't know yet if this bothers me or not. Just a nuisence when I'm looking for the highway and it shows the local name for the highway.

  4. k7tkr

    k7tkr Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2010
    Man I sure do hope hope it's better then the Ad based Navtech Traffic offered by the compitition. It's wildly inaccurate and usually stale intelligence.

    How about live weather? :biggrin_25523: Ok, maybe not.

  5. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Wish hard enough and Santa may bring.....

  6. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    The TND does not uplink back to Rand, thus any data gleaned from the traffic receivers is input only to the TND.

    The question has been raised also - can I be tracked via the TND - no.

  7. k7tkr

    k7tkr Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2010
    I wasn't referring to an "uplink" if that refers to a real time air interface of some kind-like a radio link for example. We already know that there are different logs and such that are stored by the device and can be sent back to RM via the dock. I had-wrongly perhapse-assumed thus with traffic.

    Not to sound flip but how long do you think before an accurate database can be complied for predictive traffic-seriously- I am not being sarcastic. Seems to me just to get a good run at a fairly accurate base is going to take months. Unless RM can or is compling it from an existing source. It'd be nice to see something other then "heavy" as a predictive alert, especially when it isn't. But that's the nature of historical data vs real-time or near real-time intelligence I suppose.

    I am trying to wrap my mind around the this whole concept of "predictive traffic" and I finding I am running out of duct tape.

  8. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Predictive Traffic is just past data that has been compiled from various sources to give an "future" guess as to what the traffic has shown in the past. How well that data is is depended on how the information was gathered.

    To gather data with a traffic receiver and save it in the TND for future upload via the Dock would take up flash space. If you send it daily, then the load would not be so great, but if you do every two weeks, then the TND would run out of flash space in a hurry.

    With the Traffic receiver you can go real time, but that is depended on the transmitting stations and how well they adapting to the changing road conditions. Will it be perfect - no, but, I have a traffic receiver and it does work well.

    WalMart does have the colored Duct tape in stock.....:biggrin_25514:

  9. NFG

    NFG Light Load Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    Ball of Confusion
    Today it was a mile and a half ahead of me, telling me i missed my turn when I had not...
  10. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Some of the features that will be available to existing 500/700 owners
    in a free update within the next couple of months are:

    - Search addresses by ZIP code in U.S. and 3 digit Postal code in Canada
    - Multi-stop full route preview
    - Mile markers
    - Additional routing option
    - Destination entry by latitude/longitude

    Features on the 510/710 only are:

    - Truck Services search
    - Predicted Traffic (710 only)
    - Custom location import
    - Virtual Dashboard
    - Shaded relief, showing mountains and terrain when zoomed out
    - Latest Rand McNally map data
  11. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    Is this TND doing this all the time,, lagging ahead or behind?

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