I should have beat his................

Discussion in 'Shippers & Receivers - Good or Bad' started by striker, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. end of the road

    end of the road Heavy Load Member

    Jul 4, 2010
    Northern Canada
    I can't sit there and watch somebody else work. just can't do it. The guy would have never asked me to get in the trailer because I would have already been there.

    Saying that, you did the right thing. And it doesn't matter how much or how little you get paid, who is the boss and who isn't, DON'T EVER SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT. Nobody and I mean nobody deserves to be spoken to with that much disrespect. Your boss understands that thankfully, but I think the majority of them don't.
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  3. walstib

    walstib Darkstar

    I had sort of the opposite one time...I was unloading furniture and there was a 300+lb chest on top of another with no way for me to get it down...I asked the 2 guys at the delivery point to help me, they said they weren't allowed in the trucks so I went and got the boss there...I pointed to the piece I needed help with and said, "did you really need that piece?"...He said 'yes', I said I need help getting it down, he asked me why I didn't ask his men upon which I said I did but they said they weren't allowed in trucks, he flipped out saying that was not a rule and yelled at his guys to get the F in the truck and get it done!!!!!!!!...His men gave me the evil eye as we finished, I gave them air from my ### as I farted as often as I could as they entered the back of the truck!
    nckid Thanks this.
  4. end of the road

    end of the road Heavy Load Member

    Jul 4, 2010
    Northern Canada
    Receivers who won't help the driver unload is total BS too. I had a grocery store who refused to help the drivers unload pallets of milk. Said their employees weren't covered if they got hurt in the back of my truck. Heavy and tippy and going across an uneven and poor dock resulted in spilled milk if you weren't careful or had some help. I fixed them one time. I unloaded 4 pallets of milk, off the pallets and onto the floor by hand right at the loading bay door. Clogged their only door. They tried to tell me it has to be on the pallets and over in a certain area. I recited their line. I am not covered if I get hurt in your receiving area.
    Guy tried to dump the company but freight was prepaid and the dairy (who also had similar issues) told him if he didn't like it he could go to Winnipeg and get his own milk or find a different supplier.
  5. ronin

    ronin Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    San Antonio, Texas
    In the future, perhaps try this - I've been restricted from unloading for workers comp reasons... I've said "I'll be glad to help you guys as long as you don't tell my company". They usually say "Nah, we've got it"... and I still help... but as far as pissed off bosses at the docks, once they hear that, they can't throw a guilt trip or drop idiotic comments.

    HAMADOWN Light Load Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    That is a good one! Some cops can be pricks. That is definetly on the verge of abuse of authority! Should have gotten his name and badge and called his boss. I highly doubt he was authorized by his department to handle personal business while he was working.
  7. JoeyJunk

    JoeyJunk Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    Washington, PA
    When I ran Wal Mart dedicated, the company and WM had an agreement that the driver was not to touch any freight. WM said they weren't paying for our injuries and their employees as well. I never saw a list, but was told we were not even allowed to raise the bulkhead doors(refer)in the trailer. I always helped. If you have ever seen the way the WM DC's load a pallet, lots of spills on every load. However, if you got hurt while helping and they found out, you got fired.

    It was hard to sit there and watch 3-6 people pick up all that crap. Plus I could do it faster by myself and get to my next stop. Also, they usually restacked just as bad and then it would spill again.
  8. wuzafuzz

    wuzafuzz Bobtail Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    Newburgh, NY
    Just a quick shout to let you know, not all of us LEO's are #$%holes. In 22 years I have never issued a summonse to a hardworking or legitimate trucker. I have however written and even arrested truckers for allowing open alcohol and/or drugs in their rig. No place on these highways for criminals posing as professional truckers, makes all of the good ones look bad. Also, I make it a point to stop and help ANY driver who looks like he/she may be lost, unsure or may need assistance. I know what it is like to be lost in an unfamiliar area with a 53 ft van, low trees, overhangs etc, so I will always help when I can, even if that is just stopping traffic for the driver to back, turn etc. There are no bad cops, and no bad drivers.....just bad people who slip through the hiring process.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2011
  9. end of the road

    end of the road Heavy Load Member

    Jul 4, 2010
    Northern Canada
    So are you saying that this single cops actions are not a reflection on every cop? And every fat slob of truck driver who burns a few spliffs while driving and pisses at the pumps is not a reflection of every truck driver? Hmmm, that is some wild theory you have there. Don't paint an entire group by the example of a few. Cool.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    Don't paint an entire group by the example of a few. Cool. :biggrin_25519: Good theory to live by.
  11. HaulnHorses

    HaulnHorses Light Load Member

    Apr 18, 2008
    My job was to get it here not unload it, Ill be happy to watch you though. F him.
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