My Experience with CR England so far......

Discussion in 'CR England' started by Rosson76, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. jasper_truck86

    jasper_truck86 Light Load Member

    Sep 9, 2009
    I'm definitely not the smartest guy or I would have heeded my own advice and held off on a lease until I was more comfortable and experienced. I don't hold anything against England, they did not trash my DAC and actually listed me as rehireable. I have a friend who signed a 3 year lease the same time I did the 6 month demo and he says he is making a killing. I only know what he says, I never see him. He says he makes between $1,200-$2000 weekly/net. I have my doubts but I'm not saying you can't make money if you train.
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  3. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    Well, I can agree with most of the logic of your answer considering common sense is something way too many people don't seem to possess...... Even the ones with a great deal of book smarts lack the common sense god have a goose...
  4. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    Hey all... thanks for all the comments you have provided in regard to my question to Corneileous. This is my second stint with C.R. England, having had the opportunity to work for them as a company driver back in 2001. I am currently on my fourth week of Phase One training and am very pleased with my Phase One trainer. He's been with the company for about a year and a half and has leased ever since his first day out of training. He has some excellent business skills and has taught me a great deal about the operation of the business, including the fuel / fuel savings, etc. Am definately looking forward to getting out there on my own. I was thinking about doing solo for the first month to get to learn my truck, my business, etc., before going into the thoughts of Phase 2 trainer, or whatever. Additionally, my girlfriend may be following me into the C.R. England world, go through training and become my second seat. Nevertheless, I do see that there is income to be made through the lease program.... given the right frame of mind and business sense. Again... thanks for all the comments. Looking forward to being out there with the rest of you.
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2011
  5. AchioteCoyote

    AchioteCoyote Light Load Member

    Jul 24, 2011
    West Jordan, Utah
    As I do near the end of my Phase One training and preparing to go into my Phase Two training, I am starting to wonder what sort of equipment I should be looking at. I do like the Cascadia and the Cat DD15, but from what I have heard - the Volvo is getting better fuel mileage. I have heard negatives regarding both the Cascadia and the Volvo regarding maintenance issues.... so, I don't know who / what to believe. I assume that each truck will have its own independent issues. Any thoughts on the choice of truck? Advantages / disadvantages of one truck versus the other? Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!!
  6. JustinWaterboro

    JustinWaterboro Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Porter, ME
    Well you will only have 3 choices of trucks when it comes to leasing for the first time.
    International ProStar

    The Volvo's are only for those that have completed a lease and are leasing again.First time leasers would only get one if no other leaser in SLC or BurnsHarbor wanted one,which is usually never the case.

    The Cascadia's are usually the newest models.The maintenance can go either way just like any other vehicle.They usually will get you over 7MPG for 99% loads.Very quiet/smooth ride.

    The Century's are usually slightly older and more miles on them.They usually get 6-7MPG.Can be somewhat loud/bumpy rides.

    The ProStar's are also newer but are somewhat smaller inside.Not sure about the MPG's, ride,etc...
  7. JustinWaterboro

    JustinWaterboro Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Porter, ME
    Also unless you have absolutely no overhead (bills at home) I would strongly not recommend going solo lease. The program is strictly designed for team driving(2nd seat, Phase2 or Phase1). You will need to run a min 2000mi just to get your check to breakeven, meaning you have a $0.00 (zero dollar) check. Running solo you will average about 2800 - 3000mi. Truck will be governed at 60-62MPH if a Cascadia/ProStar, most Centurys are also governed. Also after 6mos of doing Phase2 training you will either need to upgrade to Phase1 Trainer, hire 2nd seat, or run solo.
  8. JIMS2006C6

    JIMS2006C6 Light Load Member

    Sep 6, 2011
    Are you saying that your weekly nut is about 2500? Based on the numbers you should gross that on a 2000 mile week, 90 cents per mile and about a 28 cents per mile on fuel surcharge. I am looking at this right?
  9. JustinWaterboro

    JustinWaterboro Light Load Member

    Oct 26, 2010
    Porter, ME
    What I was trying to say is that regardless if solo or teams, with a CREngland lease you need a min 2000miles just to reach a $0.00 check so that you are not in the "hole" for your next week.Running solo you will only get average 2800-3000miles,some weeks will be less and some weeks maybe more.Since the trucks are governed at 60-62MPH you can only average like 500miles, so that you can do a revolving recap and not always sit for a 34reset.
  10. THBatMan8

    THBatMan8 Road Train Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    Wherever I park
    800 to 1,000 miles at .90 cents a mile equates to a gross of around $900 USD. If you expect to make more than that as a solo IC driver with limited experience, you're in the wrong industry.
  11. DenaliDad

    DenaliDad Retired Wheel Dog

    Many drivers in all companies lease successfully. I'm considering it, too, but there is much to learn, including how to apply what I learn. It's a process and all about honing your craft. Learn how to drive with dollar bills in mind, not speed. Save the money. Buy smart. And so on.

    Thousands do it in all companies, including CRE, so there's no reason success cannot be achieved.
    corneileous Thanks this.
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