Marten Transport, LTD. - Mondovi, Wi.?

Discussion in 'Marten' started by kpnpeace, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. hardtime

    hardtime Bobtail Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Marten transport is still in the biz because my wife and i left in 2010 and never had a problem with them. there was a company called Martin that went out of business in 2009. pm work did take some time to get to a terminal and get it done but they took more care of the team trucks than that of the local, dedicated and regional solo trucks. we had gotten a new truck every year and then they went to the solo drivers. the part the either one of us liked was the forced per dium they have and that screwed up things and we never had to wait for any of our pay we got it when we were supposed to

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  3. rachi

    rachi Road Train Member

    Feb 25, 2010
    Marten does the per diem pay and it's mandatory. On top of that they charge the driver 2.5-.03 cents a mile for" adminstrative" fees.
  4. skibum_63

    skibum_63 Road Train Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    somewhere, USA
    Makes me wonder how many millons they have just made off that 'fee'.
  5. BigKid2

    BigKid2 Road Train Member

    Nov 16, 2008
    It is nothing but pure crap. They say for instance you start at .42 per mile but then they take that 3 cent fee for per diem. Well how can you be starting at .42 a mile when you are only getting .39 a mile after the fee? Randy and the whole outfit are crooks. I don't know how they sleep at night. Randy Marten hates me so much he sent me a Christmas card and letter.
  6. skibum_63

    skibum_63 Road Train Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    somewhere, USA
    Chances are you may be refering to me.
    Yes i admit, i used to brag how good they were,, then about 3 4 suttle changes started happpening, with marten saying it's gonna put more money in the drivers pocket. Ya right.
    I hung on till this past spring, when i flew the coup.
    Doing much better, and only have 6 dispatchers to deal with, no perdeim, no rail,
  7. exMarten_driver

    exMarten_driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    Lawton, OK
    Marten Recruiters are LIARS, they will tell you what you want to hear, but when it comes to actually working, it's another story.
    I was supposed to have worked a certain part of the country at $43 cpm, when I looked at my payroll stubs, it was less than half of what was promised, $.21 cpm. My dispatcher never answered the phone. They do not care about their employees, only themselves and making money off the poor driver who will end up sitting in Walmart for hours and hours and not get paid. MARTEN is a JOKE of a company. I hope and pray their company goes bankrupt.

    Randy Marten can, for all I care, take a flying leap off the grand canyon.


  8. exMarten_driver

    exMarten_driver Bobtail Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    Lawton, OK
    If you are considering on applying with Marten, caveat beware! The recruiters lie, they will tell you that you will work a certain part of the region, but then end up on the exact opposite of the country. They will tell you that you will be paid a certain amount per mile, don't listen. Always, ALWAYS check your payroll stub. I found out that they had cheated me out of $.22 cpm the entire time I worked for them, which was for very long.

    Their dispatchers are rude, and rarely answer their phone. They have shotty equipment and since they have electonic logs, they will alter your log where you are driving for much longer than the Department of Transportation allows.

    My suggestion to you is to STAY AWAY FROM MARTEN. I knew this one driver whose mother or father had just passed away, he was only within a few hundred miles of being home and requested to go to their funeral, HE WAS DENIED. Can you imagine not being able to take breavement leave when you need to. All Marten cares about is MARTEN.
    skibum_63 Thanks this.
  9. brad84404

    brad84404 Bobtail Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    north west usa
    do not and I repeat do not go to work for marten. I worked for them for a year was injured in an accident. They terminated my workmans comp after 2 months. I have been in constant pain unable to afford medical attention and they do not care.

    I was injured in a non-preventable accident while working for marten. Talk about being treated like a piece for trash. I had to spend every dime I could get to find out what was causing my constant pain after they stopped workmans comp. now I cannot return to driving or any other kind of work. They do not care. To them it is " The bottom line is the only thing that counts."
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2012
  10. skibum_63

    skibum_63 Road Train Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    somewhere, USA
    it was about 3 years ago, the change at marten hit. More long loads on the rail, no more $50.00 per day for missed home time. Perdeim went from optioanl to mandatory( thier current radio ads do not mentioned this) Drivers who want to go regioanl, get passed over for regional, then kept in differant regions, doing reginoal JIT RUNS. Less $$ for the longer loads.
    Ya it tokk me awhile to leave them, but mid may, found a much smaller company, that still treats drivers with respect, and has plenty of long loads. ano rail, no predeiem.
  11. skibum_63

    skibum_63 Road Train Member

    Oct 12, 2007
    somewhere, USA
    Did you have a workmens comp lawyer working for you?
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