Superior Carriers 2012

Discussion in 'Superior Carriers' started by wsyrob, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    give me a break.......:biggrin_25526:
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  3. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
  4. mgfg

    mgfg Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2010
    Catfish, please show us pics of where you load and unload, pics you take of the plant.

    We'll see who is still working when the crap hits the fan.
    chalupa Thanks this.
  5. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    careful those black op helicopters are hovering all around you.
  6. chalupa

    chalupa Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2010
    Catfish, perhaps you need to get out more often. I'm here to tell you driver that if you photo a customers plant they will complain to your carrier if they see you and you will be fired. Simple. Drivers have been fired for much less.

    Has nothing to do with paranoia, it's a fact. Chemicals espicially are very competitive and a shipper can have anybody he wants. I'll bet hard money that any carrier will knee jerk and fire you to preserve customer relations, for anything.

    You don't have to believe me though....... tell you what, catch a load from a BASF facility...or DOW...... whip out your phone or whatever and just photograph their pond or a forklift and you'll find your arse on the gate barred for life. Or just grab a thumbnail off the internet of a plant and put your name with it....see what happens. My customers keep an active list of barred personel / carriers at the gate......and it don't take a photo either bud. You can be barred for smart mouthing the guard, seen that too.

    These folks are ate up with security after 911, valid or's a fact so give her a shot driver, prove us wrong......

    JTF / JMO
    mgfg Thanks this.
  7. Giffcmh

    Giffcmh Bobtail Member

    Jun 29, 2011
    That's it. If we are banning pics then no more CSI at the truck stops. If they want to fire you they will find a way.
  8. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    do you work for superior? just askin.
  9. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    do you work for superior?just askin.
  10. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem

    Left Sunday after church with a load of polymer sitting on the yard that delivered Tuesday in Houston. I packed plenty of food in the truck expecting to sit in Pasadena at the terminal for a day or 2. Didn't work out that way.

    I delivered my load Tuesday, got to the Pasadena load around 14:00 and they put me on a load going back to Salisbury NC loading the next morning and delivering Friday at 8 AM. I have done this load before and its a bit of a pain in the butt. You run in-transit heat on it and have to hit a temperature range of 75-85F at delivery. Run IH too long and you over shoot it.

    To further complicate my life the single temp guage on my tank would show a lower temp right after I stopped the truck but would rise 10- 20 degrees within 30 minutes of stopping the truck. It became evident that the actual temperature of the product was less important than what this gauge showed when I arrived at the plant. I would stop every couple of hours and check the temp. Dispatch also wanted 3-4 qualcom reports on the product temp during the day.

    The night before delivery I thought I had a pretty good handle on it. I ran IT most of the way. The product loaded at 69F. Gauge read 80 when stopped so I left it off all night. Turned it on and drove 1 hour and checked it. 65F and my input line was leaking coolant. By the time I found some teflon tape to fix the leak it was reading 72. You get the picture. I ran IH all the way through Al, Ga, and SC. When I stopped for the night in Blacksburg SC it read 75 right when I stopped and 87 after sitting for a while. I shut it off for the night and got up early. Temp gauge read 80 the next morning so I ran on up to Salisbury.

    I stopped at the truck stop 8 miles from the plant, checked the gauge and it read 65F. At this point I realized that gauge has no relationship to the actual temp of the product in the tank. I turned on the IH, and went inside to grab a cup of coffee. 20 minutes later it was reading 79F. I headed on over to the plant planning to be 30 minutes early to let the temp rise.

    Sure enough when I checked the gauge at the plant it read 67. I was 30 minutes early and figured I was OK by the time the plant opened. I sat in my truck and here comes the unloader early. He goes straight to the temp gauge and informs me that it is too low. I explained what had been going on and told him to check again. By then it was reading 75 and by the time I was spotted at the rack it was 80. That was good enough for him and I took a picture of the gauge to cover my butt.

    They had me planned on a California run leaving Sunday. My truck started blowing white smoke and running rough so I had the shop look at it. They found more than just an injector so I was taken off the long run. I am spotting a tank down to Charleston SC in another drivers truck Monday. Its another out and back dry bulk load for P&G. Should be a nice 550 mile dedicated out and back, drop and hook load for us or the Charleston terminal in the future. I don't know how many we will run per week.
    pathfinder1361 Thanks this.
  11. 1catfish

    1catfish Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2010
    good thing your truck did it's thing on the east coast, and not out in b.f. az......good post. be safe.
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