Central Refrigerated Truck Stop II

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by celticwolf, Jan 18, 2012.

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  1. celticwolf

    celticwolf Road Train Member

    Oct 10, 2010
    Kittrell, NC
    Well since JJ closed his. I will start a new one.

    Same old rules apply...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2012
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  3. jimbo2

    jimbo2 Light Load Member

    Dec 25, 2011
    bah...sitting out here off the 80 in iowa at a rest area next to another central truck...bueller?
  4. 1badz28

    1badz28 Road Train Member

    Dec 7, 2008
    savannah georgia
    sounds awfully quiet around here:biggrin_2556:
    123456 Thanks this.
  5. Stroker73

    Stroker73 Light Load Member

    Oct 8, 2011
    Been following JJ's thread for awhile now. Glad to see someone else pickup where he left off.
  6. celticwolf

    celticwolf Road Train Member

    Oct 10, 2010
    Kittrell, NC
    Thats cause we are all all stuck in snow and freezin' hahaha

    -13 here in Tomah, WI... and I have to go across I-80 today to PA. Yuck..
  7. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    Ha... Thought you guys could hide from me?? FOUND IT!!

    I think the reason why it's so quiet in here is because no one knows there is a new thread up... I just figured out the old thread got locked :/

    It's to bad too... That thread had been going on a LONG time and had/has a lot of good info and history in it.

    Although I do agree that this type of thread should be moved out of the 'favorite' trucking company category... Since we talk about the good and the bad... But no matter where it goes, I'll find it... LOL!
  8. chompi

    chompi Road Train Member

    Jun 21, 2008
    Deland, FL
    We needed a new beginning!

    Welcome everyone to the "Celtic Central Thread 2012"!

    For those just joining Celtic is a current driver for Central with a good year under his belt and has done very well as a new driver learning the industry. Great person to chat with if you want some "up to date" info on Central or getting into trucking etc... Likes long walks at the truck stops and loves the occasional people watching at the T.A. during a good snowstorm!

    LadyK is a current husband/wife team driver for Central, also doing very well with her new career in the trucking industry. LadyK can probably answer most all questions about teaming, family life on the road, and also some inside info on dedicated, leasing and pleasing your dispatcher. Her husband is an experienced trucker and knows the ins and outs also. Both new grandparents so are experienced in juggling home life with the trucking lifestyle.

    1badz28 is like myself and are former drivers for Central and every once in a while we know what we are talking about!:biggrin_25525:

    There are many other characters on this show, each unique in their experience and experiences. So feel free to ask any questions, just please do not harass or poke at the truckers. Also don't tap on the glass!
    Bigdubber, Lady K and Nightwind8830 Thank this.
  9. road runner 9630

    road runner 9630 Light Load Member

    Jan 9, 2010
    Grrr. Tape my glass and you will see the business end of my broken cb whip. Or at least when I am sleeping
  10. 1badz28

    1badz28 Road Train Member

    Dec 7, 2008
    savannah georgia
    Hahahahah good one Chompi but to be honest i only know what im talking about whem I'mmmmm SOBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin_25514::biggrin_25514::biggrin_25514:...... next question?????????????
    chompi Thanks this.
  11. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    i never worked for central. so i have nothing nice to say. :biggrin_2559:
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