Britton Transport Inc.?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by MrEd, Oct 16, 2011.

  1. MrEd

    MrEd Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Winfred, SD
    Hello. Do any former or preferably current drivers know anything about this company. I know they have a terminal not too far from me. Seem to have pretty nice equipment and such. Have seen a few ads for drivers, and looked at their website. Any more info would be appreciated. Thanks.
    Lost Navigator Thanks this.
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  3. tomahawk204

    tomahawk204 Bobtail Member

    Feb 18, 2011
    They have been recently acquired by Bison Transport which is based out of Winnipeg, Canada.
  4. MrEd

    MrEd Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Winfred, SD
    Well, I consider no news to be good news. LOL.I have been in touch with them, and what I have been told so far sounds promising. I am faxing an application monday, and we will see where it goes from there.
  5. MrEd

    MrEd Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Winfred, SD
    Well, I have been hired by Britton Transport. I go to orientation on Dec 6th. I will update after orientation, and continue updating if it appears anyone is interested. Thx
  6. MrEd

    MrEd Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Winfred, SD
    Well, I am back at it. Went to orientation on Dec 6th. Was impressed to be picked up at the hotel that morning by Mr. Dave Britton. He is the founder and CEO of the company. Orientation went well, with the standard stuff....videos to watch, drug screen and physical, etc. I had no surprises. It seems everything the recruiter told me was true. By wed afternoon, I was in my brand new Volvo, headed south to home, to get the rest of the stuff I needed. My first load was to Mt. Airy, NC. I am setting about 10 miles from there to deliver tomarrow. All in all, I am pretty impressed with the company so far. I am concerned about the eLogs. But will give it a more than fair shake. May grow to like them. Anything new can be worrysome at first.
  7. mile marker

    mile marker Light Load Member

    Jun 2, 2011
    Pittsburgh Pa
    So how have things been going for you????

    Talked to one of your guys last week, older fellow said he's been with them awhile seem like a nice guy.
  8. MrEd

    MrEd Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Winfred, SD
    Things have been going good. Have been making good miles and money, with Christmas week not so good. Only made 500 that week. The first Britton driver I met, when I mentioned being new, said "you will enjoy working here". Was nice to see something besides the negativity that is so common these days.
    mile marker Thanks this.
  9. bluebird36

    bluebird36 Bobtail Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    harahan la
    I drove for Britton a little over a year and half the only reason I left it was time to retire for good 74.5 young.The people in the office are the best
    just like family.Great equitment.Great milage.
    Oldironfan Thanks this.
  10. Bigarmin88

    Bigarmin88 Road Train Member

    Aug 30, 2008
    Tampa Bay Fl
    What areas do they run at?:biggrin_25511:
  11. MrEd

    MrEd Road Train Member

    Sep 2, 2011
    Winfred, SD
    Running areas vary depending on if you are in vans, hoppers, or flatbed. I am in flatbed. So far all my runs have been east or south east of southeastern South Dakota. Have went to wisc a couple times, connecticut, north Carolina, and am headed to Birmingham right now. Everything has been out and right back. So my hometime has been great as well. Vans have a bit more Canada loads, due to being affiliated with Bison Transport. I don't know about where the hopper guys go.
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