Answers from a driver who stuck it out. 1 year with CRE

Discussion in 'CR England' started by 541johnson, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. russellkanning

    russellkanning Medium Load Member

    Jan 22, 2012
    Frost, TX
    I will look for the pink one :)
    When I lease mine it will be a boring one and I promise not to brag on this site and make many posters crazy :)
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  3. OrneryMotherTrucker

    OrneryMotherTrucker Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2012
    Austin, TX
    Oh I am. He screwed up continuously, and I patiently, obliviously glossed over it again and again (love can be blind). Eventually though, you stop and go "what the heck are you doing?!" The good news is that I've been feeling detached for a while, so the confrontation wasn't as hard on me. And, my team driver has been nothing but supportive all the while. He and I have quite a lot in common, so who knows where that could lead? One more reason to thank England, lol.
  4. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    You're still missing the point ... get off the fuel cap. Get on the rebate.

    Fuel where you want to, when you want to, as much or as little as you want to. You control your costs directly and you get the additional revenue from the rebate.

    And even for the fuel cap you got it wrong. You are only required to fuel 75% of the time at the designated fuel stops to be compliant with the fuel cap. And even then you can fuel as much or as little as you want. You don't have to fill to what the fuel plan states.
  5. rogercausey

    rogercausey Light Load Member

    Apr 6, 2012
    Kayenta, Az
    Hey Dewey they did that to me a couple if times...also when I was in the hospital in '09 for three weeks they kept calling and threatening to come report my truck. I got to the point where I said hey its park right outside my house. My DM finally had to step in and say hey back off he's sick. Then when I did get back out they were nice for a day before they called me and said we have to take xtra money out every week to make up for ur lost weeks.

    Onery good for you...have hope for you. You will do great and good luck.
  6. rogercausey

    rogercausey Light Load Member

    Apr 6, 2012
    Kayenta, Az
    Well looks like Stevens is out for me....the school they use here wants over $7500 dollars for the four week course and some items like birth certificate and other things that are packed away. So decided I will do it alone......gonna go for my CD permit next Friday and have a friend who said he would let me use his truck for the road test. Besides I can do all that in bout three weeks instead of paying all that money and it taking four weeks. Gonna still hang around here.

    Hey any driver know of a good company to apply after I get my CD? Have 5 yrs OTR experience with England. Only requirements ....would like to get home bout every three to four weeks for bout 3 to 4 days. Let me know...thx guys.
  7. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    The fuel cap is 6.1mpg/80%, it used to be 5.8mpg/75%. I idle a lot and love to go 70+, but with the rebate I average 17 cents per mile cost. I figure its a tax write off and I really need those since my truck is paid off.
  8. OrneryMotherTrucker

    OrneryMotherTrucker Light Load Member

    Mar 28, 2012
    Austin, TX
    Roger, if you have 5 years OTR, you could bypass the major carriers altogether or even go local if you wanted. Well, we're off to Seattle, WA, and I am so finding a Starbucks! We all have our guilty pleasures.
  9. rogercausey

    rogercausey Light Load Member

    Apr 6, 2012
    Kayenta, Az
    Good luck on the I hate coffees or Lattes or any of that tree hugging, sandal wearing, hippie stuff. I am an energy drink guy. Give me a Red Bull or Rock star and u gotta friend for life. As for getting my CDL and stuff I have a taking my wriiten test next Friday and then once I get my permit have an Uncle who owns a construction company and said I could use one of his trucks, or if that fails my friends mom drives for Land star and said she will let me use her truck. If those fall thru the ADOT here has advised me that I could use a third party tester.....may cost me bout $200 to $300 dollars gut alot cheaper. Figure may take me two weeks or three and I should have my hard copy CDL.

    Even after I get my CDL will look into bigger companies as an option only cuz some offer great benefits. As for local....well maybe as last resort as I techinacally live 4hrs north of Phoenix and my wife is up there working so wanna be in position to go see her without driving my cat up there every 3weeks. But it is an option. As an OTR driver I could go thru there every so often if to just say hi. And gotta think if I got local now I would be looking at pay in rent for two here and one there. As an OTR just one.
  10. Rif Raf McQ

    Rif Raf McQ Light Load Member

    May 9, 2012
    Lexington Park, Maryland
    I've got a question for you if you don't mind, Something that has not been mentioned or at least I haven't seen it anywhere.

    After your 3 years lease is up what do you do with the 3 year old trucks?

    Can you use them longer than 3 years or does the company not allow that.

    Rif Raf Street Rat - Always against the grain:biggrin_25510:
  11. corneileous

    corneileous Road Train Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Podunk, OK
    You have the option to buy it or turn it in.
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