CSA scores = NO PREPASS?

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by Frog7950, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Frog7950

    Frog7950 Bobtail Member

    Jun 15, 2012
    YAAY this summer i get to see every coop....
    *possible rant inbound*
    i like going through my dads messages, and i came across one that said "CSA scores". tapped it, read, now i want to know. what are some of these guys smoking? whats more important? money or staying alive? why would you put your job on the line to make money? great, because some guys decided that "eh, its just a job" the CSA scores DROPPED. low CSA scores + the best fleet to drive for award = NO prepass...
    thanks to these guys, for part of my summer, i get to stare down the station master. :biggrin_25522:
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  3. ramkatral

    ramkatral Heavy Load Member

    Dec 27, 2010
    Tryon, NC
    It's not THAT big of a deal.
  4. CondoCruiser

    CondoCruiser The Legend

    Apr 18, 2010
    No prepass equals no time stamp.
  5. aiwiron

    aiwiron Road Train Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    Sunny Tampa Florida
    Pre pass is a way they can track you every mile moved, speed limit and I would not want it myself. Coops are not that bad if you run legal.
  6. ramkatral

    ramkatral Heavy Load Member

    Dec 27, 2010
    Tryon, NC
    Yep I keep mine wrapped in foil until I need the EZPass for tolls.
    DocFrank Thanks this.
  7. Klatu

    Klatu Road Train Member

    Nov 26, 2010
    Argyle, TX
    I didn't know that. Pre-Pass time stamps you at the coops? All coops or what? You learn something new everyday.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2012
  8. MNdriver

    MNdriver Road Train Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    ask em to see their print out sometime on your movement.
    aiwiron Thanks this.
  9. spacetrucker88

    spacetrucker88 Heavy Load Member

    If I am correct the prepass is tied to your company or your USDOT number and your base plate to be able to identify your vehicle maybe even the vehicle VIN number. Each time it beeps either red or green that is recorded time and location.They were supposed to be tied together all over the USA but that has not happened yet. The 11 western states are tied together as far as I know and have been for several years.it is possible to cross a port of entry in Montana and get checked in colorado and get a ticket for a false log if your log reads different that the prepass readout. This was kind of like an early on board recorder.The same goes for tollsthe prepass is recorded if a audit acurrs the Federal man will have a print out of all prepass and fuel card transactions to compare your logs to. Correct me if I am wrong mndriver.
  10. MNdriver

    MNdriver Road Train Member

    Feb 24, 2012
    that's the way I understand it too.

    I am on the edge if I want to have them, or go the old fashioned way. It's a PITA to have to shut down and pull in, ....

    But do I want the big brother record tracking my every move.

    Do I run legal. YOP.

    It's the principle of it for me.
  11. spacetrucker88

    spacetrucker88 Heavy Load Member

    At one time some werner drivers were selling thier prepass transponders to other drivers so they could avoid the tolls several were caught on the Pa turnpike. I had heard that Pa impounded the trucks and trailers but not sure if that is true.I shoud say they were former werner drivers.
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