Werner compared to C.R. England

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Sofia, Jul 21, 2012.

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  1. RizenPhoenix

    RizenPhoenix Road Train Member

    Oct 31, 2008
    Santa Cruz, CA
    The difference between Werner and CRE is kind of like the difference between Dysentery and Diarrhea. They are somewhwat different but both will leave you with an awfull feeling in the pit of your stomach.
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  3. Lady_T

    Lady_T Bobtail Member

    May 23, 2012
    Port Richey, Fl
    If this driver is "trying" to be a truck driver, then it is all hearsay. Like someone else said on here, you have to start somewhere. Your experience may not be a good one, but it's just that "experience", it gives you something to look for in the future. That's what learning is all about. I drove for 17 years and had some bad experiences, but it didn't give me the attitude that all trucking companies were bad. Just like all of us, they have their bad sides. When going through life you have to make decisions and those decisions are what give you the experience in life. I wouldn't change any company that I worked for, I just chalked it up as EXPERIENCE. So, before a non-driver makes a conclusion about a company that they have not actually been behind the wheel with, then don't judge them.
    FLATBED and MtnTideRooster Thank this.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    Regardless of which career you decide on you have to start at the bottom. Do your time get the experience keep out of trouble and after you know what your doing and have been doing it for sometime MOVE ON.

    Too many on here think they should start at $0.80 / mile new truck , dedicate route , only drive on sunny days and then when reality hits they :biggrin_2553: about the compny.
  5. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    My objective was not to sue Werner; although, there are definitive possibilities. My objective is to be a safe driver and I am. If Werner chooses to train their load planners and/or dispatchers to push driver's beyond their limits, I consider it coercive. Many driver's have resulted in accidents because they are being pressured to drive in conditions that they should not....but they are trying to do their job well....(and they simply think that it is necessary to follow the dispatchers and/or load planners coercive demands). I consider it extremely unethical.....and illegal. The Qualcomm can be used to a driver's advantage, if you document communications as much as I did and pursue a claim against Werner. I didn't want to pursue a claim or file against Werner.....I just wanted a job with Werner; however, I don't like their methods.

    FLATBED Road Train Member

    I think theres more to you POSTINGS about WERNER than your letting be known.
  7. Vito

    Vito Heavy Load Member

    Jun 4, 2012
    North Carolina
    I guess after all of the documentation you could have informed them of it, told them to knock it off. Also that if you got fired for informing them of this and demanding they cut the crap, and they turned around and fired you that you would then pursue legal action. That sounds like it would have been a good solution, for you at least, not other drivers. But it would also have put them on notice that there are drivers out there who know how to play hardball and maybe they'd think twice about playing loose and fast with the law when it comes to others.
  8. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    Well...maybe you think there's more to my POSTINGS about WERNER than I'm letting you know; however, that's all for now....if I pursue a claim against Werner, it will be public record. There are better trucking companies for employment opportunities and I really think it's important for beginning driver's to make their own decisions and informed choices. If you are a beginning driver for Werner, you will find yourself in a CATCH22. You are supposed to follow your dispatchers and/or load planners instructions; but, if you do, the results can be costly tickets, accidents, DOT and company violations against your CDL-A (and remember your CDL-A now includes your MVR record for your personal drive vehicle, too).
  9. FozzyNOK

    FozzyNOK Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2007
    Dispatcher: Can you make it to "______________" by "_________"

    Driver: No

    Dispatcher: Why not?

    Driver: I have X amount of driving ours hours on my 14, I have X amount of driving on my 70. Tractor is in the shop etc etc

    Load planners/ dispatchers or what ever their titles are need more information to help them arrange re-powers and or to reschedule appointments.. the system needs valid information to work regardless of company. The companies can only coerce the willing and THAT is the main problem with the industry and has been for as long as I can remember.

    I've worked for Werner (actually a couple of times) and they ARE a pain in the rear as it comes to their systems almost constant meddling and load shuffling. HOWEVER.. it is a two way street.. they wouldn't have to meddle and shuffle so much if the majority of the drivers could actually do what it is that they are supposed to do. Re-powering loads that the previous driver screwed the pooch six ways from Sunday on is no fun.. but has little to nothing to do with the dispatches.

    Sue away Sofia.. you'd really be in for a rude rude awakening.
  10. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    You haven't read my documented Qualcomm communications with dispatch, there is no rude awakening for me. I am wide awake. Have a nice day!
  11. Blowout

    Blowout Light Load Member

    Jul 16, 2012
    Again, I don't get where you are getting this idea that dispatchers are forcing drivers to violate DOT. Whenever I couldn't make a load, I flat out told them without any resistance. As a matter of fact, I was encouraged to drive safe and legal. I think you simply hate Werner, which is cool except you seem to be stuffing a little too much filler into all of this.

    Another thing.....if you just walked out of the MVR with a shiny new CDL, exactly what choices are there? How many companies take a brand new driver?
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2012
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