Werner compared to C.R. England

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by Sofia, Jul 21, 2012.

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  1. k7tkr

    k7tkr Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2010
    Sometimes and sometimes not. Have you been keeping track of the latest closures by the FMCSA? On another thread I posted that the trick to finding a good company is, finding the one whose BS you can put up with the most. I can name several drivers who think the outfit I run for is even worse then the fictions described by the OP of this thread. Every driver is different. My brother went to and stayed at Swift.....more for the entertainment value I think then anything else. But he was there a long time- it worked for him. There is no way I could ever drive there and stay sane- just proves my point.

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  3. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    The theme of my post in question was in regard to "trainer companies".
    They don't have to come into the system. Most of those who do haven't done any research and have no idea what they're gettin' into. When they find out, we read their comments here.
    "Weeded out"? You make it sound like they're receiving quality training with hopes that they'll remain employed with the company that trains them. That's not the case or the training company's intent.
    If the trainee leaves before fulfilling their obligation for re-payment they still owe the company what ever the pro-rated amount is. AND, as an added bonus, they have room for another trainee to take their place. Training does cost a company, --- but the company still realize a healthy profit from that training.
    That may be what a company charges a trainee for training, but that isn't what it cost the company. Consider that the government provides cash incentives to training companies for providing jobs to the unemployed to make the unemployed numbers look better. That some don't remain employed doesn't seem to matter. Smoke and mirrors.
    Revolving door training companies aren't interested in developing a well trained driver. All they're interested in is a quick buck. They have absolutely no concern for the drivers or their future in the industry, --- going so far as to put dings on their DAC that pretty much disqualify them from any chance of finding employment within the industry, --- dings that aren't really deserved, to make matters worse. Do you have an explanation as to why they do that?

    What is an "opportunity opinion"?
    I agree about the lack of oversight, but you make it sound like the training companies give a hoot about anything beyond their own profits. They don't care.
    When did you come to that conclusion? We've been harping about that for quite awhile now.
    And the number of reputable training companies is shrinking.
    Who's gonna "fix" the problems? Who says there's a "problem"? Consider this --- The American Trucking Association elected Don E, England to a chairmanship. Is that the kind of help the industry needs? Do you know how many Big truck truckin' companies that the England family has their fingers and influence in? Maude Knight married ol' Chester England back in the early 1900's. Google C.R. England. Let us know what you find out. What we're seeing now is a peek at the future. Rosie it ain't. We need Big trucks, fact. Big truck truckin' companies cry that without government intervention they can't survive, --- they want cheaper labor, (read higher profits). Americans aren't willing to work for peanuts, but foreigners will. See where I'm goin' with this? If you're thinkin' south of our border, you're on the right track. It's another case of them just doing a job no American wants to do, --- like construction, landscaping, and now Big truck truck drivin'. What's next? Doctors and lawyers? California already resembles upper Meh-he-ko in that regard.
    What border?
    We don't see no border.
    Jimmy Hoffa Thanks this.
  4. k7tkr

    k7tkr Medium Load Member

    Apr 13, 2010
    In regards to the ATA and who ever married who- don't care. The ATA is for and has been for the companies, not the drivers. This is always been a given so not sure why you brought that up. I also don't drive for either of these outfits so don't care who is in who's pants.

    There are good schools and there isn't enough of them so not sure what your argument is about here. Most schools ( using the term loosely) are not- stated that so not sure what this argument is about. At one point- and I am going to have to look up the reference so excuse me on that- the director of the FMCSA commented about the need to look at and improve both driver standards and training requirements. This is the government so we'll have to wait and see on this one. I always cringe when they get involved but if we can't do it on our own........

    Trainees are going to come into the system. It has to be this way or we won't have any drivers. So yes, my opinion is that this whole subject on new driver training needs to be addressed and fixed because what we have now is putting the pressure on trucking outfits to "finish" the training- and I'm talking outfits like mine that don't have schools attached to them at the hip like Swift. I've seen the numbers here- and it costs money- money that the boss would rather invest back into his outfit. Some student waltzes in here from a school and quits before a year is up- we're out at least 4g. My boss runs a trucking outfit because he believes he can make money doing it and I drive here because I believe I can make a living here and have for the last 12 years. But it's his outfit and his decisions to make. So he has decided to hire students because for every 6 or 7, one stays. His company, his decision. He isn't making money on these people, he's losing it. I had the dubious pleasure of sitting in a meeting where this was discussed. I learned a few things.

    As to my opportunities line- it is what happens when tired fat fingers go dancing across a virtual keyboard on a small droid phone of their own accord.

    Let me just finish with this. I am going on 23 years in this industry and still driving. I've seen a lot of changes-good and not so good and I am sure I am going to see a lot more. There a lot of serious issues to be tasked of which this issue is but one and, there are no simple answers. But be careful of generalities because not every company can be put into one mold. There has always been good and bad and indifferent among the outfits and there always will be.

    Okay, enough of this. I am headed to waffle house.
  5. Jimmy Hoffa

    Jimmy Hoffa Medium Load Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    Gold Country, California
    Most of the big OTR outfits are getting government money for each trainee hired, I've heard 4000 dollars plus. I know CRE is getting it, Werner too. The company I drive for (May) has also got into the act.
    AfterShock and Sofia Thank this.
  6. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    What we have here is a failure to communicate.
    Are you readin' every word or just skimmin' over them?
  7. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    You are real good...AfterShock....communication is key.

    Hope the earthquakes don't destroy drivers before national trucking companies do. The aftershocks from both are real bad.
  8. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    I hope your employer is good to you. You are a smart driver.

    Werner can't stabilize, they're losing their investments...they have been for awhile.

    C.R. England has been holding out litigation for about six years in a Class Action A that is not moving anywhere....(it's one of the disadvantages of bad lawyers and pay-offs).

    There's other options.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2012
  9. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012

    Werner gets about 10K for each trainee (I think it's gov't issued only if the new driver stays employed longer than 90 days).
  10. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    I hope you make reference to the month.
    ThanX, but I'm smart enough not to be drivin' Big trucks now. I came off the road to care for a parent with Alzheimer's for a few years and when I attempted to return I ran into a block wall. Seems ten years and over a million miles with no citations or wrecks counts for nothing. During my career I only applied with two companies and was hired in a flash by both, and was a driver trainer for the first company and received numerous awards. I'm not a job-hopper. Just before I left the last company I was asked to be one of two drivers who would haul a number one factory sponsored Super Bike race team, --- a goal I had aimed for, it just came at the wrong time and I had to decline the offer. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do. The only thing that would be harder is gettin' back into the industry under present conditions. I wouldn't tolerate such abuse.
  11. Sofia

    Sofia Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2012
    The corruption is very malicious and organized at Werner. I don't blame you for not getting back into the trucking industry (national trucking companies). I was surprised at the candid organization of it all. Werner and C.R.E. seem to epitomize the problems. (i.e. whether it's when dispatchers are trained to reduce truck repair costs for quotas and commissions by not authorizing necessary repairs to drivers.....or simply, the fact, truckers aren't getting paid and they have to fight about it - then, the truckers are considered "problem makers" because they have to fight to even get paid anything at all.)
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