looking for a livestock broker

Discussion in 'Freight Broker Forum' started by mcdowelljason, Mar 24, 2013.

  1. mcdowelljason

    mcdowelljason Bobtail Member

    Feb 22, 2013
    Can some one help me iam looking for a livestock broker in des moines Iowa need to get some livestock loads
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    UTI TRANSPORT Light Load Member

    Nov 16, 2012
    A guy I know has 4 bullracks and is what he did the past few months was did a search for Livestock Auctions within a 200 mile radius of his home and found out what days they had sales on and drove to the sales in his personal vehicle and started talking to cattle buyers and before he left the first sale he was sending two of his trucks to pick up loads. One thing led to another and he is keeping his trucks busy. I talked to him the other day to see how things been going and he said great and they are going to start hauling feeder cattle out of OK and TX next month to some feedlots that have been on grass. He said he wished he would of done that years ago when he first bought his first trailer as he didn't think it would be that easy. He also said he had some flyers made up and he hung them at the sale barns too along with business cards.

    Hope that helps
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