Going to Boyd Brothers

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by THEPRIZEFIGHTER, Nov 7, 2010.

  1. dpark

    dpark Bobtail Member

    Jul 23, 2011
    Knoxville, Tn
    Well i understand that u have had a bad experience. However u r telling people (or at least it seems) that boyd is full of people like that. Every company has its bad points, heck i came from werner. I kno all about crappy treatment from a company to their drivers. But a company is not all bad just because of a few bad people within it. If u r gonna tell people about ur bad experiences, make sure u tell people about ur good times as well. For instance, i was dedicated for werner. That is the best way to work for werner. If u just got OTR u will get skrewed over on loads, and will get very low pay. I talked to a werner otr driver just the other day who has been with werner for over 10 years. He makes between 28-31 cpm. I have 2 years experience and boyd is giving me 41.
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  3. flatbedsurface

    flatbedsurface Bobtail Member

    Sep 27, 2012
    Very well said dpark and i agree with u on that 100 percent every company has there good and bad how to ser u out on the road sometime or at a terminal not putting
    my name or truck number on here but if i figure out how to send it just to u i will
  4. jaso36

    jaso36 Medium Load Member

    Jan 19, 2012
    West End,Nc
    I have been driving since Dec. 06 but all dry van or Reefer vans just wondering what type of training would I need? and also I train at my current company how long would I need to wait to become a trainer? I am one of the top safest drivers at my current company, they send a message every week. Thank you for your response
  5. Drivers girl

    Drivers girl Medium Load Member

    Oct 21, 2013
    Boyd prefers 2 yrs OTR experience if I'm not mistaken. As far as any other experience, they will teach you load securement during orientation. Sorry it took so long for you to get an answer on your question but not many Boyd drivers frequent here and I've been away from them for the most part. You can get more info at DriveForBoyd.com. I don't have recruitings number handy right now but it's on the website. If you call Pam C. is who my bf used and so far we've found no lies.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2015
    Reason for edit: Last name removed
  6. mikek87

    mikek87 Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2013
    they will let some train after 6 monthes. when i started the trainer i whent with didnt even have that.
  7. mhhousley

    mhhousley Bobtail Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Boyd brothers is great if you get the right dispatcher. My first one I had was terrible, I thought that was just the way it was, after I got my second one when my first quit, I was very pleased, he was very flexible about finding loads that could be delivered late Monday or on Tuesday to give me time to go the doctor on Mondays after the weekend. Or If I told him I wanted to take a long weekend he would get me in on a late Thursday instead of late one Friday night.. which is really just a day off. Flat bed is really hard though, I hope you're used to working very hard in the elements. IT sucks climbing in your truck wet with sweat or rain and trying to clean up. You'll need to shower sometimes twice a day, you stay nasty, and you do a lot of work in your "off duty" time so you can be ready to roll when you're 10 hour break is up. I was always broke needing the money but I guess if I took it easy then it wouldn't have been as bad. By the way I was a trainer for Boyd Brothers and left in good terms for a job with Schneider delivering for walmart... paid about the same and was much better job!
    Last edited: May 3, 2015
  8. Ordy19

    Ordy19 Medium Load Member

    Aug 19, 2014
    Seems if you worked a full week you wouldn't always be broke while you were there. That's just from an outsider looking in, reading what you wrote.
  9. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    I went through this thread and edited several posts.

    A gentle reminder folks. Last names of non-public figures are not allowed to be posted on our site.

    Thank you. :)
  10. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    While I know nothing about Boyd, and keeping in mind that there are two sides to every story, I have to say that this particular story disgusts me.

    So drivers are responsible for paying claims now?:eek:

    Back when I pulled a flat, shippers used to note whether or not they wanted the load tarped in the BOL, and usually such requests are made by the consignee.

    So let me get this straight. You picked up product that had been rained on for days BEFORE it was loaded on your truck, and tarped it as was likely requested AND in accordance with the way you were trained. Upon delivery the aforementioned load was subsequently refused, for which YOU are being held responsible?:eek:

    If that's true, then I have a serious problem with that and will certainly NOT be recommending anyone to Boyd if this is the type of underhanded chicanery they like to pull on unsuspecting drivers. :mad:
  11. mhhousley

    mhhousley Bobtail Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    No, the load had not been rained on. However, I tarped the load with decent tarps. It rained on it all the way from Cayce, SC to Knoxville, TN... then sat all weekend and rained ALL weekend, I mean the entire time the load was on the truck it was rained on... well when it got there, there was some rust on it... it wasn't terrible mind you, you could even wipe it off with your glove... a little oil and some rags and it would just wipe right off!!! So one "boss", hell everyone is your boss, told me that I should have patched my tarp with duct tape. There were no major holes in the tarp.. it was only after getting under the tarp and looking up at the daylight did I realize there was millions of smole pin holes only visible from under looking up at the bright sky, then another "boss" told me I should have put plastic on it first, which I didn't have and it wasn't provided at shipper, I was suppose to tarp it, drive to a home depot, untarp it in the rain (i suppose!!) and then put plastic on, then retarp the load, then another "boss" told me that I shouldn't have used plastic because it would make it "sweat" and could cause it to rust. The last guy I talked to told me that it was like watching out for a nail or debris in the road, it was my responsibility to avoid damage. I quit as soon as I could find another job, and boy did I find a great job working a walmart dedicated run for Schneider, I was home almost everyday with a few exceptions of running out of time or needing to pull back a backhaul... anyway, they even resold the steel to someone else and everything and had me deliver the load somewhere else. Please remember, this load was rained on, HARD, all the way from SC to TN. I parked it on Friday and it rained on it all weekend and was raining on it when I delivered it. When I untarped it, best I could in the cramped area I was in, inside, some of the water puddled on the tarp spilled on the metal which made it rust almost immediately... they saw that and told boyd brothers that I must not have tarped it, that's what my dispatcher told me after I had left. That's when I learned to start taking pictures of every load that was questionable or worried me.. it broke my heart, I have a family I was supporting and it nearly killed me. They even threatened to send me back to load securement class "if I didn't know how to tarp a load properly" every argument I made to everyone was made... I told them how it rained, I told them how there was conflicting advice on how to use plastic, and even where I was suppose to get some, I told them about how the tarps had tiny pin holes you couldn't normally see, and the best I could do was at least get it knocked down from a $2500 load claim down to $1000... and to beat it all, the $400 security fund I had wouldn't even apply toward it, they said it wasn't eligible and was for truck damage only! Anyway, if you have anymore questions about this incident or anything in general just give me a holler on here and i'll reply...
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