any info on Poly Trucking?

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by hkbravo34, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. timbo50

    timbo50 Bobtail Member

    Jul 22, 2012
    i faxed an app.on 8-5-12 to poly have not heard nothing from them. called them a couple of times,can not get through to recruiting,shall refax my app?
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  3. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    Calling is useless until they call you. Send an email requesting confirmation that they received your application.
  4. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    Good luck!
  5. mathematrucker

    mathematrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2006
    Laughlin, NV

    Thanks John. One thing I didn't mention earlier is shortly after being hired in Dec. 2010, I refused to use propane heaters. I was ready to possibly be fired for this, but I wasn't the first Poly driver to ever refuse. What they did was just put a note in my dispatch screen and they let me know it was possible I'd have to wait longer for dispatches out of WA.

    That may have actually happened, too. There were a few times up there when it took awhile to get a load out. But it never took real long.

    Since I'm ready to start looking at other companies, last night I sent the following LinkedIn message to three HR people (including Ed):

    "Hi everybody,

    Just wanted to check on the status of my rehire app (mailed about 3 1/2 months ago) before applying to any other companies.

    Looking at it from the perspective of an employer, I can certainly understand if Poly would rather not rehire anybody such as myself who isn't willing to use propane heaters in the trailers or haul any Christmas trees, yet at the same time wants to haul Costco loads up to WA on a regular basis year-round.

    Even if Poly isn't interested in rehiring me, as I said in my letter I really enjoyed my time there (Dec. 2010 - Jan. 2012) and will always be happy to recommend applying there to any driver who asks. The company takes good care of its drivers and only hires the best.

    Mark Bowron"

    Based on what I already know about driver apps at Poly, I realize it's possible that nobody will reply back to this message either, but that's okay - this would be all the "no" I need!

    Best wishes,
    BigJon310 Thanks this.
  6. jdrentzjr

    jdrentzjr Road Train Member

    Nov 29, 2007
    All over the USA
    Not sure what to say except, I wish you the best in whatever happens.
  7. mathematrucker

    mathematrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2006
    Laughlin, NV
    It's all good John. I realize the stance on propane heaters put me in the vast minority of drivers at Poly, which is fine. I'm admittedly a little picky about certain things like hauling temperature-sensitive loads in the winter with dry vans. Most of my driving experience is reefer. That's probably what I'll go back to doing.
    jdrentzjr Thanks this.
  8. mathematrucker

    mathematrucker Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2006
    Laughlin, NV
    Sure enough, went back to reefer. Currently running the western 11. (Actually they just call it that - it's really just the western 7.)

    One of the many things I really liked about Poly were those pallet pullers and tow chains they issue to drivers. Did quite a few pull-offs during my 13 months there, with just one minor mishap: a chain snapped. A pallet in the nose got hung up on that little ledge where the steel plate meets the wood. Thankfully nobody got hurt, but it was a close call - the chain whizzed right by the fork driver's face. (Take note current Poly drivers: for pallets in the nose, it's best to hook to the corner of the pallet first to get the corner over that ledge before hooking to the center and pulling the pallet off.)

    I recently heard someone say it's hard on a fork lift to pull pallets off a trailer. Based on my experience at Poly this sounded like complete nonsense to me, but could this statement have some validity? None of the receivers I came across at Poly ever complained about using their fork lift to pull pallets off. After taking a look online it sounds like it could strain the fork's drivetrain a little, but that was all I could find. I recently got my own pallet puller and want to have a ready reply for any receiver who tells me their fork lift isn't up to the task.
  9. jlkklj777

    jlkklj777 20 Year Truckload Veteran

    Oct 1, 2007
    Duncannon, Pa
    Do not hook the chain to the cage of the lift it will bend the metal of the cage if the pallet gets hung up.
    Hook into the frame section (toward the bottom) where the cage hooks onto the mast, that is the thickest, strongest section.
    mathematrucker Thanks this.
  10. jeremyke9906

    jeremyke9906 Bobtail Member

    May 8, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2013
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