Everyone says CRST is bad?

Discussion in 'CRST' started by Garzaci, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. Punky74

    Punky74 Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    No. If your getting per diem, there is a separate line that shows the .10/mile per diem pay. The other .10/mile is included above on the pay statement. Total is .20/mile multiplied by whatever your half of the miles you ran for that load. The only difference is that your getting taxed at a lower bracket which is why it is separated out.

    QUOTE=TheLuckyTrucker;3772449]On my pay stubs, it showed .10cpm.. so, think of it this way, buddy. .22cpm with per diem is .20cpm.
    .20cpm x 2300miles = $460 divided by 2 = $230. .10cpm x 2300miles = $230. Either way you look at it, you are splitting those miles.[/QUOTE]
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  3. Moon_beam

    Moon_beam Heavy Load Member

    Aug 29, 2012
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  4. TheLuckyTrucker

    TheLuckyTrucker Bobtail Member

    May 1, 2013

    Okay. Let's do this your way. We drive 2300 miles on a load. .20cpm x 2300 miles. HALF would be mine. 2300 divided by 2 = 1150. So, .20cpm x 1150 miles = $230..

    Where am I losing you here?
    Safari Joe Thanks this.
  5. mike244

    mike244 Bobtail Member

    Dec 15, 2013
    If you already have a cdl do you have to sign a contract with them
  6. Punky74

    Punky74 Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    Yes, the way you stated it now is more appropriate. The reason why I made a big deal about it is because I get annoyed when i see posts where people claim CRST pays only .10, .12, etc...per mile. That statement is misleading. In your original post about it, while I see what you were trying to say can be misleading to people who don't know. CRST does not pay .10/mile. They pay much more than that. While it is how you look at it, the more accurate picture of what the pay is is that the MILES are split, NOT the pay. I can't believe how many people tell me "Oh CRST sucks, they only pay .10/mile." That statement is not really true and doesn't give complete information.

    No big deal. We both are right. It's just how were looking at it. I think if newbies look at our posts, they will understand now...lol.

    Anyway, cheers and I can appreciate a good discussion.


    Okay. Let's do this your way. We drive 2300 miles on a load. .20cpm x 2300 miles. HALF would be mine. 2300 divided by 2 = 1150. So, .20cpm x 1150 miles = $230..

    Where am I losing you here?[/QUOTE]
  7. Punky74

    Punky74 Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    It depends. Call a recruiter and verify. LuckyTrucker - Do you know?

    UOTE=mike244;3772495]If you already have a cdl do you have to sign a contract with them[/QUOTE]
  8. TheLuckyTrucker

    TheLuckyTrucker Bobtail Member

    May 1, 2013

    CRST DOES pay .10cpm lol. Or, well I guess now they pay .11.5cpm.

    .20cpm x 2300 miles = $460 divided by 2 = $230
    .10cpm x 1150 miles = $230.
    Is the same thing.

    CRST makes newbies think that they will be making $460 a paycheck when in reality they split that. That is what I am trying to point out to newbies.
  9. TheLuckyTrucker

    TheLuckyTrucker Bobtail Member

    May 1, 2013

    I think it was something like if you have a CDL with 1 year of current OTR experience, then you can sign up at their .31cpm without a contract. But, if you only have a CDL with No Experience or less than 1 year of OTR, then you go through their refresher and sign a contract.

    You should call a recruiter to find out exactly, but I think it was something like that.
  10. Punky74

    Punky74 Light Load Member

    Sep 13, 2012
    While I see your side of things, I respectfully disagree because if the statement "Miles are split, not the pay" then any confusion should be diminished. So I currently make .32/mile. If we complete a load that is 3000 miles then I get half the miles which is 1500 miles and I get .32/mile for 1500 miles.

    If you look at most team operations, they always split the miles and not the pay. If you want to say that you only make .10/mile then it should be noted that you are not splitting the miles. 6000 miles x .10/mile is the same as 3000 miles x .20/mile.

    CRST DOES pay .10cpm lol. Or, well I guess now they pay .11.5cpm.

    .20cpm x 2300 miles = $460 divided by 2 = $230
    .10cpm x 1150 miles = $230.

    CRST makes newbies think that they will be making $460 a paycheck when in reality they split that. That is what I am trying to point out to newbies.[/QUOTE]
  11. TheLuckyTrucker

    TheLuckyTrucker Bobtail Member

    May 1, 2013

    Okay, so if you drive 3000 miles at .32cpm without per diem. That is $960. But you get half of those miles, which comes up to 1500 miles. .32cpm x 1500 miles = $480. That is better than the $150 a newbie would make.
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