Farm2Fleet/Covenant Fleet - O/O's

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by BigBadBill, Jan 13, 2014.

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  1. BigBadBill

    BigBadBill Bullishly Optimistic

    Oct 2, 2010
    Chattanooga, TN
    For years we at Farm2Fleet have been asked to provide full dispatch for some drivers. Because of our model it made it hard for us to do it and do it well. But we saw a huge demand for O/O’s that wanted to just run and not worry about find their next load. But the typical business model that paid drivers in the $1.40 range with fuel was not something we wanted to work with.

    So we worked with a large carrier to be able to provide all the benefits of running for a large carrier but also get a strong percentage pay plan while being managed by one the leading small carriers in the industry.

    80% of line-haul (with fuel a O/O should see over $1.60/mile on 2,700+ miles a week)
    FSC on all miles
    Expedite/Truckload hybrid (better paying freight and not having to sit waiting for that next expedite load)
    Fuel discount - $.25-$.40/gal
    24/7 dispatch
    Free plates

    Email for more information.

    Phone: 217-727-7715
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2014
    Tjackson4 Thanks this.
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  3. bigdad7

    bigdad7 Road Train Member

    Jun 6, 2010
    If it just wasnt covenant i might b interested
    Starboyjim Thanks this.
  4. BigBadBill

    BigBadBill Bullishly Optimistic

    Oct 2, 2010
    Chattanooga, TN
    What is the issue with Covenant? We have been working with them a while and it is hands down run based on the values of the founder. Now, it is a large company and you have issues like any large company. But that is why I love what we are doing here. I am running this. I have all the resources of a large company but get to run loads based on what I believe should be done. That is why we are paying percentage vs mileage, we have 100% control over dispatch, we make the calls in terms of dispatch, etc.

    A driver in my fleet that just wants to be dispatched and run is going to find it hard to make more money on any of the mileage programs that companies run.
  5. losttrucker

    losttrucker Road Train Member

    Mar 9, 2008
    What "control" does Covenant have over the O/O or would we answer to F2F??
  6. BigBadBill

    BigBadBill Bullishly Optimistic

    Oct 2, 2010
    Chattanooga, TN
    They are doing all the back office and safety. All drivers will report to my company but you violate a safety policy and that is out of my hands. And actually I will likely be tougher. On some stuff I am a one and done type of guy.

    But we have been running trucks and have only had one contact direct to drivers. And that was a driver shutting down in ATL for no reason (they had hours to drive). Not at a TS but in a bad area.

    Only exception would be when we have drivers on high value loads. Then security is running the show in terms of tracking and communications. Upside, it pays realllllllllly well. But no forced dispatch so if you don't like that then we won't dispatch it.
  7. bigdad7

    bigdad7 Road Train Member

    Jun 6, 2010
    Figures so satelite tracking and elogs mandatory with covenant my experience under covenant mgmt i use that term loosely is akin to a monkey humping a football
    seawind, Trckdrvr and Chattduck Thank this.
  8. BigBadBill

    BigBadBill Bullishly Optimistic

    Oct 2, 2010
    Chattanooga, TN
    Your depiction made me laugh. But you can be assured that I have complete control over the driver managers (where most issues happen with large carriers) and the drivers that we hire (a bad driver and bad driver manager are like the perfect storm).

    As far as EOBRs, it is the future. Fighting it is akin to a monkey….
    Leftlane101 Thanks this.
  9. BigBadBill

    BigBadBill Bullishly Optimistic

    Oct 2, 2010
    Chattanooga, TN
    [TABLE="width: 858"]
    [TD="colspan: 2"] Covenant Solutions Expedited Dedicated Division
    [TD="colspan: 2"]
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Pay:
    [TD="colspan: 2"]We pay 80% of the gross line haul
    [TD="colspan: 2"]100% of fuel surcharge on all miles
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Orientation pay of $100 (rehire not eligible)
    [TD="colspan: 2"]
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Covenant Transport will provide the following:
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Base plates and permits
    [TD="colspan: 2"]IFTA (Contractor is required to use company issued fuel card to validate this service)
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Free tractor wash at terminals with facilities
    [TD="colspan: 2"]All Tolls – prepass and freepass available for monthly rental; reimbursement with receipts
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Loaded scale tickets reimbursed with receipts
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Multi-stop pay will be included in line haul rate and not paid separately
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Qualcomm will be installed for free; $17.00 weekly fee
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Trailer is provided at $125 per week; personal trailer allowed if 10-years or newer
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Motel and meals are provided for orientation
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Mileage to orientation will be reimbursed at $.50 per mile
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Two weekly advances of $75 each are available
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Liability insurance paid as long as tractor is connected to trailer
    [TD="colspan: 2"]
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Available through Covenant Transport:
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Bobtail insurance at $28.00 per million
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Health Insurance and Retirement Plans are available
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Occupational Accident Insurance at $134.00 per driver per month
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Physical Damage at .268% of actual cash value of tractor plus $18
    [TD="colspan: 2"]
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Owner Operator Responsibilities:
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Overweight and over length tickets
    [TD="colspan: 2"]$17.00 per week Qualcomm rental
    [TD="colspan: 2"]$125.00 week trailer rental
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Highway use tax (2290)
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Prepass rental at $4.00 per week
    [TD="colspan: 2"]In-cab scanner at $20.00 per week for first 5-weeks (optional)
    [TD="colspan: 2"]
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Tractor Specs:
    [TD="colspan: 2"]No age limit as long as tractor passes DOT inspection
    [TD="colspan: 2"]No more than 19,900 total weight including fuel and drivers
    [TD="colspan: 2"]265 inch or shorter wheel base
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Must have sliding wheel base
    [TD="colspan: 2"]
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Needed from Driver prior to Orientation:
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Proof of paid 2290/Highway use tax
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Copy of Bill of Sale
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Copy of Title (front and back)
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Prior registration (cab card)
    [TD="colspan: 2"]
    [TD="colspan: 2"]Call the Dedicated Team for more information at 217-727-7715
  10. luvtotruck

    luvtotruck Road Train Member

    Jul 30, 2013
    Phoenix Arizona
    BigBadBill, Do you have any help in getting a driver into his own truck? I am looking seriously into getting into my own O/O situation and this sounds perfect for me. I await your response. Thanks.
    Roknric and 10speed55 Thank this.
  11. xiipercent

    xiipercent Medium Load Member

    Mar 19, 2007
    donald broughton from avondale parters spoke on ups earnings today on cnbc. he claimed team expedite rates aproached $5/mile during the xmas rush. you guys catch/hear any of those rates?
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