Forced dispatch?

Discussion in 'John Christner' started by DE36535, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. DE36535

    DE36535 Light Load Member

    May 11, 2013
    Foley, AL
    I've been reading on various l/p programs, including those here on JCT's board. But I haven't come across whether dispatch is forced - any insight on this, please? Thanks.
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  3. FlexinTarzan

    FlexinTarzan Medium Load Member

    Jan 8, 2012
    Stanfield, OR
    Forced Dispatch= Having the Hours Available to safely pickup/deliver load and find a parking safe haven. Remember...It is not Forced Dispatch if you cannot safely/legally run it.
  4. DE36535

    DE36535 Light Load Member

    May 11, 2013
    Foley, AL
    Thanks, but that's not quite answering the question. Say I have 40 hours left on my 70 and a full 14/11 - it's gonna be hard to claim a shortage of hours. However, forced dispatch also equals me turning down a load (for whatever reason) and being punished for it, to include having other loads withheld from me. I'm trying to find out the answer to this BEFORE I apply to JCT. No sense in not finding out before I waste more of my time and theirs. But thanks for your reply.
  5. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    every load is forced dispatch. you may not want it. they'll just give you something else. maybe with retaliation. maybe not.

    but, what difference does it make. a load is a load. if you don't want the load, then the wheels aren't turning, and if the wheels aren't turning. neither the truck or you are making any money.
    White_Knuckle_Newbie and Treputt Thank this.
  6. Florida Playboy

    Florida Playboy Road Train Member

    Dec 19, 2012
    Why do you want to lease?
  7. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Hey if the money id right why not go, unless you are near your home time and the ld. goes the wrong way.
    What gets me is company drivers wh do not want to take a ld..
    Well it is the companies trk. you go where they tell you or find a new job..
  8. Treputt

    Treputt Medium Load Member

    Mar 15, 2013
    Sacramento, CA
    I'm sure someone with a little more experience with JCT will come along to help answer this....but from what I understand you can deny any load assigned to you, but you'll find yourself back at the bottom of the list and may have to wait awhile for another load to come along. So I just don't turn down loads, which seems to be a good policy for most companies, no? Unless I'm short on hours or the weather is acting up (in which case JCT has been advised by me ahead of time), I accept all loads. Miles are miles in my eyes.

    So are you punished? If you count being put at the end of the line after refusing a good load with no legitimate excuse punishment, then yes you're punished.
    Manchumba Thanks this.
  9. DE36535

    DE36535 Light Load Member

    May 11, 2013
    Foley, AL
    Let me see if I can explain why it makes a difference without coming off as an ### - because I do appreciate the input and I also understand the reasoning behind the replies. I understand that if the wheels aren't turning then I'm not generating money. And it may well be that I'd never refuse a load - I just like knowing that if I'm supposed to be an "independent contractor" then I have the ability to refuse one if I choose. Otherwise, I'm just paying a lot of money every week to not be able to make my own decisions. Suppose I get dispatched to a shipper/receiver that I've been to several times before and they've always kept me sitting for 5+ hours. Maybe I simply don't want to go back there. Whatever the reason, I just want to know what to expect. Again, I may never choose to refuse one - I never have before.

    As for why I want to lease, there are a few reasons and I go into it fully knowing the pitfalls. I very much like the idea of being more accountable for my own success or failure. I see it as both a risk and a challenge and I look forward to it and accept full responsibility. However, part of that responsibility is beginning by being careful of where I go to take such a risk.

    Ideally, I would run off a load board and get paid percentage, but I'm checking into all opportunities and structures and JCT happens to be on the short(er) list.
  10. DE36535

    DE36535 Light Load Member

    May 11, 2013
    Foley, AL
    I wouldn't count being rotated to the bottom of the list as a punishment. That would just be what I'd have to accept provided I knew that was the policy.

    If, however, some dispatcher got mad that I refused a load and decided to make me sit for 2 or 3 days simply to teach me a lesson - that would count as punishment.
  11. drloveofdfw

    drloveofdfw Light Load Member

    The way it was explained to me is you can refuse to take a load, but per your contract the next load you are assigned to, they have to option to make you dh to it on your own dime. Just like terputt said, mile are miles and I too personally take them all and if I get way ahead of time with it, I try to relay it off by dropping it if I can or swapping with someone trying to get home or is low on hours.

    hope that helps
    Manchumba and DE36535 Thank this.
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