CRST Van Expedited, Inc. - Cedar Rapids, Ia.?

Discussion in 'CRST' started by Dan, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. Dan

    Dan Bobtail Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    Thinking of joining CRST Can anyone give me some background on this company.
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  3. PortlandDriver

    PortlandDriver RIP, May You Be Heaventown Bound!

    May 30, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
    The last several years they have been going to teams and if memory serves several of their drivers told me that CRST is going into more of the freight brocker end of the business. But it has been a while since I have talked with any of their drivers because they havn't been coming to my area for a while.
  4. Dan

    Dan Bobtail Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    I am returning from overseas and am looking for a good company to drive for as a team with my wife
  5. PortlandDriver

    PortlandDriver RIP, May You Be Heaventown Bound!

    May 30, 2005
    Pacific Northwest
  6. jlea

    jlea Bobtail Member

    Sep 13, 2005
    Willis, Texas
    I started my driving carrer with CRST. IMHO they are one of the finer more honest cos. in the business.
    Except for the fact they over charged me, hell everybody that used their training at Houston Community College, for driver traning. (Think they have changed their pratices)
    CRST paid what was due in a timely manner, and flat ran me and my team mate out of hrs. weekly.
    I did have a problem finding a compatible teammate. (including one meth-user) but over all it was above average as far as OTR team goes.
    And, that was ultimately what did me in. I didn't like driving team. I met my commitment, at that time one year, and left.
    Now I wish I could find a Co. as honest and dependable in the Regional, Solo area.
    wowo6057 Thanks this.
  7. messneremtb

    messneremtb Bobtail Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    I just received an email from CRST and they have offered me a postiition with them. I've searched the forums and haven't found anything really bad about this company, but am inclined to ask, what this company is like? WHat kind of equipment do they run, would I be going to NYC alot? Stuff like that. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  8. Anonymous

    Anonymous Forum Retiree

    Feb 8, 2004

    CRST runs with conventionals, if memory serves me right. i don't hear bad things about them, but afterall, they are (to me) just another over the road trucking company. as far as going into NYC, let me tell you this: if you have a load that has to get there, you gotta go............. if they send you into NYC to pick up a load, you gotta go.......... this is a plain and simple concept. they tell you where to go, and you GO.......PERIOD......

    now, if you were to be an owner-operator, then maybe, just maybe you could refuse to go into NYC, but then, you would be put at the bottom of the dispatch list, till everyone else gets their dispatch.

    if you're affraid of NYC, then what will you do when you GOTTA GO to Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Houston, etc, etc.......??

    major cities aren't as "horrendous" as you might think, or hear about. as a "professional" (or wanna be) "professional truck driver", your job is to DO and GET IT DONE..............

    otherwise, you're getting into the wrong business.......
    ithinkican and david07003 Thank this.
  9. messneremtb

    messneremtb Bobtail Member

    Feb 15, 2006
    Thank You, that puts things into perspective. I've just been told that navigating through NYC is a nightmare, but I guess any of the major cities would be similar. Thanks again Rerun.

    BUBBABONE Light Load Member

    Oct 30, 2005
    look at like this nyc is just another paved road with a bunch of stuff around you....dont hit anything :lol: :lol:
  11. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    Thankfully, NYC is laid out in some sort of a pattern, like Washington D.C.

    Although, I'd have to look it up.
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