JJ's Place

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by jjranch, Jul 19, 2010.

  1. jess-juju

    jess-juju Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2008
    Shelbyville TN
    Lmao grocery warehouses always charge to unload the crap lol.

    Did you have fun at Associated grocery?:biggrin_25525:
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  3. Panhandle flash

    Panhandle flash Road Train Member

    Jul 18, 2008
    Oklahoma City
    Well, I am in a line, with a bunch of other trucks. Something seems a little wrong with this picture tho. Hmmmm, think it could be that everyone else is a skateboard?
  4. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    trade me places, pan. everyone else thinks they're a reefer.

    i went back to bed. called office at 9 and chewed butt. started the unload process at 10. 6 hours late. but didn't have to reschedule.
    it's now 11, i'm half done on the second trailer. someone isn't moving the pallets away from the docks. so one forklift is unloading. then climbing in dock and moving. SLOWWWWWWWW PROCESS.

    turns out, this second load didn't have a appointment either.
  5. popcorn169

    popcorn169 Road Train Member

    Sep 5, 2011
    state of confusion
    Snowwy do you own your own truck and trailer?
  6. jess-juju

    jess-juju Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2008
    Shelbyville TN
    I have JJ booked out until Friday on short haul runs :yes2557: He will be home Friday Morning after delivering 19 miles from home.

    I was reading the Landstar V SNI thread yesterday and laughing at people thinking you can't get great rates on a regular basis. JJ's load on Wednesday was 93 miles and the rate was $900.00, Todays load is 123 miles for $750.00.
  7. Lady K

    Lady K Road Train Member

    I wonder if you can get that in CA... And would you like a job dispatching us??
  8. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    rates suck in Sacramento you'll have to move to Los Angeles and haul containers.Lol
  9. jess-juju

    jess-juju Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2008
    Shelbyville TN
    Lol I just put three lds together for you which would have grossed you $6200 and had you at home for the weekend just running western states!
    Lady K and Bumper Thank this.
  10. snowwy

    snowwy Road Train Member

    Jul 6, 2009
    if i would have been able to get reloaded. i'd be unloading in the morning. zipping home for my next load to leave monday. and have a great weekend.

    instead, i'm camping with wally. reload in the morning. and crossing fingers i get unloaded tomorrow afternoon. and deal with what's now going to be a lousy week of running hard. next week. and if i don't get unloaded. it's going to be an even lousier week next week.

    i just want to give a big shout out for giving me the WRONG TOWN. for my delivery this afternoon, and missing my reload, TODAY. and screwing up my next few days.
  11. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    You and JJ ever do loads into AWG? I used to do them at my old company and never had any problems, those were all drop and hook. The ones I have done with F2F have usually been CHR loads and have never had any issues with those on live unloads. As far as Groc whse go they are really not bad and I don't mind going there at all.

    I was gonna be home Friday in time for supper. Ended up getting burned on a TQL load that delivered in the Chicago area. The money was good but I lost a day and had to give back 2 follow up reloads that put me at the house. One from some broker I don't know and the last one from one of my good ones, the second one. The first broker was not happy, the second one was cool as she had time to recover her's. After that I did manage to get a good reload homebound that should have me empty at the house a little after lunch time Saturday, so not all was lost, it actually worked out better money and rates wise that way. But it does suck working on a Saturday...
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