Cascadia Antenna Solutions

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by mike5511, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. rainmakerr

    rainmakerr Light Load Member

    Mar 15, 2012
    Centreville, AL
    I took the factory mount apart on my freight shaker, then attached an L-shaped bracket to the flat metal plate that bolts to the side of the cab, run a 4ft Firestik II, got my swr's down to 1:2.
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    BUZZSAW Light Load Member

    Dec 14, 2006

    MIKE5511 ! I love those Skip Shooter antennas . They are NOW being made in IL and still look well built!!
    mike5511 Thanks this.
  4. stacks

    stacks Road Train Member

    Oct 27, 2011
    Emerald Isle
    that sounds impressive a 102 whip on a tractor unit are you driving an older model truck
  5. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    I'll bet if you ran some good coax to it that it would help as well.
  6. BigJim63

    BigJim63 Light Load Member

    May 1, 2014
    Evansville In.
    No it is a 2011 Cascadia.
  7. country29

    country29 Medium Load Member

    Feb 27, 2010
    hey mike, yes the skipshooter antennas are being made in IL by Charles electronics, same company that makes maco antennas. I have 1 of the last skipshooters made in Southaven ms by terry, it is a 7 ft black antenna. I was planning on using it but probably wont. If you get this way and still want to try it, let me know. Ray now is getting in the new skipshooters and they look the same, haven't tried 1 yet but will be buying a skipshooter II for the roof of my pickup.
  8. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    I may be about to retire in which case I own't need a 7ft, but if I make one more trip that way I'm gonna buy one just to see how it works. I run 5ft now and all indications are a longer antenna would be even better!!
  9. mike5511

    mike5511 Road Train Member

    May 15, 2011
    NW Arkansas
    Well I was in W. Memphis Thursday and stopped in at Ray's CB Shop. I bought a 7ft SkipShooter ($35) and installed it on the mirror perch mount. The SWR was below 1.5:1 from 26.515 (40 channels below ch. 1) to 27.405 (ch.40). O.K. I'm happy with that! However, this antenna is too flimsy for it's length. It needs to be made stiffer. It flops around in the wind so much it won't last very long unless you support it somehow a few feet above the base. I will try to come up with something to do that and give it a try. Beware if you use automatic truck will have to remove this antenna before running it thru the wash bay, or risk breaking it.

    I leaned it forward some so that at 65 MPH it was pretty much standing straight up. If I left it straight up, it would blow back past the mirror and seemed flop around even more. Incidentally, the mirror has no effect on the SWR when the antenna gets close to it (the mirror is mostly plastic); but if the antenna moves toward the body of the truck, the SWR goes up dramatically. So when using the perch mount, move the antenna as far away from the truck body as possible.
    Sidewinder373 Thanks this.
  10. Mr. Mister

    Mr. Mister Light Load Member

    Jul 21, 2014
    Speaking of piss poor design, there's also a noticeable lack of ashtrays in the newer FL trucks (at least, the ones I drove).

    Score one for Freightliner promoting littering.
    Intothesunset Thanks this.
  11. volvo244t

    volvo244t Road Train Member

    Jun 24, 2010
    Bettendorf, IA
    There's a noticeable lack of ashtrays in *all* newer vehicles. Doesn't matter to me, I've never smoked anything in my life and I plan to keep it that way.
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