Legend transportation

Discussion in 'Report A BAD Trucking Company Here' started by theloadwillgetthere, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. theloadwillgetthere

    theloadwillgetthere Bobtail Member

    Nov 25, 2014
    Do NOT drive for this company. They are located out of Yuba City , Ca and they are currently earmarked by DOT for offering mostly illegal runs because they are a loose sleeve log company. The owners are foreigners who do NOT care about DOT regulations so long as they profit from it. They are rude....verbally abusive...incompetence is a regulatory function for this company. They will tie up your personal cell phone as you are required to utilize it for their dispatching. On hometime they will harrass you and bombard you with calls so that it doesn't even feel like hometime off. They will call you at all hours of the night with an arrogant attitude that to them is business as usual and you need to be at their beckoned call. They have absolutely no logistical support whatsoever so as a company driver youre on your own. You will be verbally assaulted repeatedly by the owner Sunny and his family he has working for them. They are a racist company providing cooperation only for their people. They pay their people.02 cents mpre per mile and receive driver friendly loads while Americans like myself pick up the slack. They argue with you constantly about running a load your HOS will not allow and more often than not tell you they will write you up if you dont take the load. They will only text you when its convenient for them but insist on you calling them for your illegal run so that you cannot document it.....they are a disgrace to the trucking industry and if ever a company need be SHUTDOWN this is one for sure. They are terribly rated by DOT and you can be rest assured not to bypass any scale
    DIRTtard Thanks this.
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  3. joseph1135

    joseph1135 Papa Murphy

    Nov 8, 2009
    The Highway To Hell.
    Actually, their HOS is the only thing is the only thing of concern. The rest looks pretty decent. As for the rest of your complaint, it was like pulling teeth to get them to call me back for employment.
  4. dca

    dca Road Train Member

    May 31, 2011
    I've been wondering about them.. not sure why at the moment
  5. rearview

    rearview Medium Load Member

    Nov 8, 2014
    Tenakee Springs
    I saw their advertisement on C List last spring and sent an email asking about pay. It was something under 40 cents, cant remember exact number.

    He wrote it was LA-Seattle runs.

    Roughly a day and a half each up (23 hours) driving log book time and day and a half back.

    So I asked him, is this a 4 day run? He said it was a 6 day run with 34 reset.

    Two days worth of sitting is not profitable.

    gethere if your around the sac/bay area I saw a good one open with a sign on and all stops paid by hour. PM if you are.
    Jason Miller Thanks this.
  6. REO6205

    REO6205 Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Feb 15, 2014
    Don't bother with these people. I know a couple of guys who worked there and their stories pretty much match the OP. I know both drivers well and they're not prone to making up a bunch of bs or feeling sorry for themselves. If we had openings I'd hire both of them
    If you're part of the owner's ethnic group you might make out alright. If you're not you'll find that exclusivity games are constant.

    They haul cheap freight, constantly under-bid other companies, promise their customers impossible delivery dates...and then expect the drivers to work miracles. Stay away.
  7. karma123

    karma123 Light Load Member

    May 19, 2014

    Where they getting their cheap freight from? I worked for a company similar to this concept. He was using dat load-board and getting cheap freight, and expected me the driver to run out my logbooks. He was also a foreign type of person.
    I mean I applied to a company once and the owner had 90 trucks all newer models, but the owner barely spoke English!!!? How is this possible?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2015
    Reason for edit: Ethnic comment removed

    BIF MALIBU Heavy Load Member

    May 21, 2010
    lake cushman wa
    alot of people had great educations and careers in their home countries before they immigrated.
    i have read about professional upper class people who come to america and take lower positions because their english is not too good. in many countries hard work is a fact of life
    Muttsley Thanks this.
  9. karma123

    karma123 Light Load Member

    May 19, 2014
    I guess the best solution is become a entrepreneur. What do you think the salary of 20 trucks would be? lot of expense to huh?
  10. Jumbo

    Jumbo Road Train Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    Appleton, Wisconsin
    Darn companies running loose sleeves.......
    Rugerfan and JRTBud87 Thank this.
  11. Hitchhiker

    Hitchhiker Bobtail Member

    Oct 22, 2013
    There is something out there called money-laundering. Not sure how it works, though. LOL.
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