Thinking of pulling the Trigger with Averitt

Discussion in 'Averitt' started by Salad, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Salad

    Salad Medium Load Member

    Mar 1, 2015
    Hey guys, I am Salad. And as the title says, I am thinking about going out with Averitt for a round or two. A few things have made me lean towards them:

    APU's on trucks
    Frequent home time
    Local positions

    My area isn't hiring local drivers, but I plan to move to Dallas soon anyways. I was a driver with Con-Way truckload and I will admit, I was happy there. I would be happy to go back, except that I do not want to do over the road anymore, it is not a lifestyle I appreciate.

    Averitt looks particularly appealing to me in my current roster of possibilities (Schneider, JB Hunt, US Xpress, and Averitt). They all have local positions in the area I plan to move to and presumably I will be able to get on with them from the inside even easier and faster than I would from outside. I know there are other local options (Some better) than these mega fleets but the local options mostly don't have regional/otr positions to hold me over until I move.

    What I am really looking for I suppose is just the general opinion on your jobs at Averitt, the threads here are fairly outdated with most of the newer posts being new drivers most likely in the honeymoon phase.

    Thanks guys. :)
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  3. diabello

    diabello Light Load Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    Las Vegas
    I believe with Averitt you need to work 1 year before you can transfer to different job within company. Better check with recruiter on that one.
    Salad Thanks this.
  4. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Look at Coastal Transport. Have terminals in Dallas and Ft. Worth.
    I realize this has nothing to do with Averitt, but it's an option once you move.
    Salad Thanks this.
  5. ryan7659

    ryan7659 Bobtail Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    I worked for averitt for a year and a half. they were a great company. I only left them to work at a local job where i am home every night that i thought i would like better (but I was wrong). Averitt did not have any local jobs where i was based out of with them(Columbus, Oh), just regional. i am hopefully going to be back with averitt next month. I was home every weekend with them unless i wanted to stay out longer, and would average about 2200-2500 miles a week.
    Salad Thanks this.
  6. chopper103in

    chopper103in Road Train Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    get your foot in the door now because they will fill the spots internally before they will with someone from outside first
    Salad Thanks this.
  7. chopper103in

    chopper103in Road Train Member

    Apr 11, 2010

    that's what they say, but I have seen people with under a year move to other positions
    Salad Thanks this.
  8. Salad

    Salad Medium Load Member

    Mar 1, 2015
    Did not know this, I will ask. This would be a deal breaker for sure.
  9. Salad

    Salad Medium Load Member

    Mar 1, 2015
    Well folks, while I was talking with the recruiter for Averitt I was called by my old Con-Way Truckload Dispatcher. He let me know about a Texas Only dedicated position and I snatched it up so fast it nearly broke my hand.

    Thank you for your information, be safe guys I'm heading out Monday.
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