
Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by DJ Hughes, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. DJ Hughes

    DJ Hughes Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2015
    I spoke with a recruiter from covenant today and it all sounds good, was hoping to get some input from you more experienced guys and gals about this company?
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  3. austinmike

    austinmike Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2011
    I worked for em for a year, my first driving job. Once you figure out how things work there it's not bad. Didnt like the team driving much. Had good equipment and if anything needed fixing they fixed it. My old partner still works there and is happy.
    TBonze, DemondB, double yellow and 2 others Thank this.
  4. HalpinUout

    HalpinUout Road Train Member

    Oct 2, 2011
    I was hit by Covenant on 2 separate occasions in a 6 month span...

    First time while I was backed into a dock at a shipper in Yuma Arizona the trainer was outside trying to guide the student into a spot and the student ended up backing into my truck causing a lot of damage, couldn't believe this was done with the trainer standing there watching... I was in the building at the time....

    Second time I was the Flying J in Aurora, CO which is a tight place to get in and out of a parking spot and after I had just laid down to sleep I here a big clunk, get up and look and as the student was pulling out of the spot to leave he couldn't make the turn so he ended up trying to back up and while in the process hit my truck, and his trainer was in the bunk sleeping...

    You might want to consider other options
  5. Rocks

    Rocks Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2008
    So... you planning on teaming? They are mainly team operation...
  6. DJ Hughes

    DJ Hughes Light Load Member

    Jun 13, 2015
    want to be trained properly but I want to go solo once confident enough to do so. What yall think bout lease/purchase?
  7. Rocks

    Rocks Road Train Member

    Jan 13, 2008
    "Trained properly".... I worked for them for over 5 yrs... Was lucky to get a OK trainer... But there are some not so good... I have heard pretty bad stories in there.... Some trainers will go to bed on your second driving day...
    I consider good training one that trainer and trainee park the truck and both go to bed... and trainer stays on duty, on passenger seat the whole time while trainee is driving and backing, etc...
    Going solo... good luck... Teaming is not easy at all... Actually is pretty hard... Specially if you don't already have some partner you know... You will have to team with strangers... you don't know anything about them, their habits, their personality, their driving record, etc... You all will "learn" about that once you hit the road.. And if things don't go well, you will have to ask dispatch to send you back to your main terminal to try to find another partner... In the meantime, you are not making any money... You BETTER have some savings....
    After my mandatory 6 month teaming with a total of 7 partners... :biggrin_2552: I was more than EAGER to go solo... but they changed their rules and told me they were not "allowing" anybody to go solo... :biggrin_2552: Guess what... I wasn't willing to spend one more day with another partner in the truck either... Almost left the company then... but somehow got a very good dedicated account and stayed... Not sure what their rules are now... But whatever they are, they may change at any time.. I REALLY WISH YOU GOOD LUCK... :biggrin_25519:
  8. TruckDuo

    TruckDuo Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    Chicago, IL
    Check out US Xpress. We have teams and solo. Owner of Covenant and US Xpress are brothers.
    truckdriverswifega Thanks this.
  9. truckdriverswifega

    truckdriverswifega Light Load Member

    Feb 19, 2015
    My hubs just left CRE! He's thi of g
    oi to Covenant just don't want him in the same boat
  10. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    You are making a Career Decision.

    I'd consider almost any other company.....

    But, hey,.........Good Luck. o_O
    truckdriverswifega Thanks this.
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