Don't be stupid

Discussion in 'John Christner' started by napoleon solo, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. napoleon solo

    napoleon solo Bobtail Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    NEVER LEASE PURCHASE A TRUCK :biggrin_25516:
    Don't let them fool you with earnings you make every week, instead ask these clowns how much will it cost you to run the truck for the whole term of the lease; and what is your financial obligation at the end of the lease to claim title free and clear for the truck? Then just sit back and listen to the bullshht....:biggrin_2559:
    This is also why they don't hire experienced drivers, they know they can't pull this crap with us. Look NEWBIES, if you want to own a truck, work OTR learn the road and where you like to run and where you don't
    save $20.000 get your own authority, learn what freight you want to haul also look into getting your brokers license that way you can broker freight to your own truck you can't do that without a brokers license, this is what your buddy John Christner has.
    This way he can broker his own freight to his trucks and pay the driver whatever god forsakin amount and double dip you by charging you brokerage fee's and the fee's from JCT which both are all the same company.
    Nice guy huh? :biggrin_25510:
    Zangief Thanks this.
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  3. napoleon solo

    napoleon solo Bobtail Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Also never buy a truck without financing.........Stay away from SELEC-TRUCKS..
    Save $20000.00 and buy your truck from a dealer or an individual with financing. If you cannot afford to do the things I've mentioned then you haven't done enough homework therefore you can't afford a truck!!!!!!
  4. pawpaw

    pawpaw Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Milan, NM
    JCT does not hire newbies. You have to have at least one year current otr experience before you can go to work there. Also getting your own authority and brokerage is an expensive proposition. I know because I have a friend who is trying to do that right now. AND in today's freight market it is becoming increasingly difficult to run your own one truck operation. Over a thousand, at last report, have gone out of business since the first of the year.
  5. napoleon solo

    napoleon solo Bobtail Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Yes it is costly, but it also opens up a vision to the real side of the industry.
    It's also costly to 'lease purchase a truck' when it cost you $750.000 for 3 years and you can only make $510.000 leaving the driver $239.000 in the hole..I/ve never met a driver yet who owns his truck through a lease program.
    Think about it; How can you make money if you have to make a truck payment every week? You're paying for the truck 3 times over and will never own it.
    RayT70 and Smaggs Thank this.
  6. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    This your experience or are you referring to someone else?

    Pretty big hit. That works out to a payment of 20,833 per month. Seems a little on the steep side. I would wonder how anyone could do that one.
  7. doubledragon5

    doubledragon5 Road Train Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Lewisville TX
    I knew a couple who did just that, and lost almost everything they had because of it... They learned a huge lesson, but the had to option to drop the lease after their first 8 months and they did.. See just in that short period of time a lease can almost put you out in the street...
  8. Roadmedic

    Roadmedic Road Train Member

    Apr 4, 2007
    I have never seen a lease payment that high.
  9. napoleon solo

    napoleon solo Bobtail Member

    Jul 2, 2008
    Do the math for the whole term of the lease, Start with 'Fuel Cost' that's about $55000.00 a year. Then your truck payment, insurance, Cargo Insurance, Bobtail insurance, Lumpers, Tolls, Fuel Taxes, oh yeah that's not free, Maintenance, Tires, Quarterly Taxes, that's the one that gets alot of drivers in deep trouble......Also hidden Maintenance; Stuff that goes wrong inside the engine and the transmission, think it's all under warranty? If it is then double the truck payments. No I never leased a truck before........The times I tried I was always turned down.
    I was in Las Vegas and called CR England to lease one of those ClassicXL's they ask me how much experience I had; I said 19 years they hung-up the phone, So did Crime Inc: I mean Prime Inc:
  10. Eric the Red

    Eric the Red Light Load Member

    Jun 12, 2008
    I don't know their terms for leasing, but this is what the website says:

    From what I saw in another thread, the weekly rates for leasing run somewhere between 450-550 bucks, depending on the what equipment you go with.

    Using a $500 weekly payment, and figuring on a 5yr term, the payout amount works out $130k. That is for a used truck. A three year term would seem more reasonable, and comes in at $78k.
    scottied67 and pawpaw Thank this.
  11. pawpaw

    pawpaw Medium Load Member

    Apr 7, 2008
    Milan, NM
    Understand that napoleon is just blowing off about stuff he has know real knowledge about. He has stated lots of stuff on several threads and none of it has basis in real fact. And if you point out an error in his facts, he igmores that and blows more smoke.
    Cbake84 and scottied67 Thank this.
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