Anyone Here Run Team @ Shaffer?

Discussion in 'Shaffer' started by CarsNCameras, Dec 4, 2015.

  1. CarsNCameras

    CarsNCameras Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2015
    Dayton, OH
    I'm considering running team with a friend of mine, and I was curious to know a few details about running team at Shaffer. What are some of the more common team runs? Any longer hauls than the 300-600 solo trips? Typical miles a week? Any dedicated routes open? I see Shaffer trucks pulling out of Dannon and an Exel that I run shuttles between now, but never catch a driver to ask them my questions.

    I used to drive for Shaffer last year, and I really like the company. Things went great, except for maybe being stuck on a PA, Chicago, NC/SC loop a few times, lol. I left because, at the time, I needed to be local and they had nothing in my area (Dayton, OH). I could go OTR or team where I am now, but the way they want drivers to run is not something I'm fond of.

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  3. CarsNCameras

    CarsNCameras Bobtail Member

    Dec 4, 2015
    Dayton, OH
  4. TruckDuo

    TruckDuo Road Train Member

    Oct 21, 2012
    Chicago, IL
    You got your answer
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