anyone train and run on full automatics??

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by RYITO1122334455, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. RYITO1122334455

    RYITO1122334455 Light Load Member

    Apr 4, 2008
    youngstown ohio
    please dont start with all the hate on how your not a "real" trucker and learn a stick shift bla bla bla...automatics seem to be the way of the future and all iwant to know is if there is a company that will train for your cdl and put you in an automatic truck. and when school is done you drive an automatic truck? thanks for the replies!
    Rubberduckin Thanks this.
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  3. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    CR England used to have automatics. I teamed with a guy that had never driven anything but an AT. He went through CRE's training and worked there for a few months. Poor bastid...
    Anyway, I wouldn't recommend that outfit to anybody...
  4. CasanovaCruiser

    CasanovaCruiser Road Train Member

    Jun 2, 2015
    US Xpress
    National Carriers (NCI) if you already have a CDL
    RYITO1122334455 Thanks this.
  5. Hick

    Hick Heavy Load Member

    Dec 4, 2014
    West Virginia
    TransAm is full auto if you can handle the boss looking you in the face for 11 hours a day.
    Rubberduckin and RYITO1122334455 Thank this.
  6. Upright

    Upright Medium Load Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    California's Best City
    Lmao, your not a real trucker if you drive an auto shift. The thing with autos is it just makes you lazy. I know alot of drivers who were driving stick and got into an auto and they are loving life.
    Its like doing paper logs most your driving career and having to switch to elogs. Once you do you are hooked. Im one of them. I forgot how to do logs on a paper. My brain is not trained to do basic math anymore. I have this dam computer doing everything for me. Heck, it even turns it in for me. No more ruler, calculator, extra log books. Life is good
    Yes auto shifts are the thing of the future but untill they phase out manual tranmissions like they did with cars, companies will still buy manuals. And if your not happy at the company that only has autos, well, the company with manuals might not be interested in you. I know if I was an owner and I took some one out on a roadtest and they cant stick it, its a wrap. You arent getting the job. Simple
  7. iraqralph43

    iraqralph43 Road Train Member

    Jan 9, 2012
    Being able to only drive an automatic trans...limits your choices...of companies to work for...get the skills and training to drive a straight shift first
    drvrtech77, crb, flood and 2 others Thank this.
  8. Upright

    Upright Medium Load Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    California's Best City
    no kidding. You dont say
    RYITO1122334455 Thanks this.
  9. RYITO1122334455

    RYITO1122334455 Light Load Member

    Apr 4, 2008
    youngstown ohio
    thanks guys. but i dont want this post to go there....the other one is 3 yrs old. im looking for answes to my 2016 question of who trains and runs full autos. please dont let this turn into an auto vs manual thread.
  10. Upright

    Upright Medium Load Member

    Jul 13, 2012
    California's Best City
    Pretty much most megas have autos now either their already phasing the manuals out or they just got the memo that to fill the seats they need everyone and their grand ma to drive so they are in testing and will eventually replace the manuals
    RYITO1122334455 Thanks this.
  11. Truckermania

    Truckermania Road Train Member

    Oct 13, 2011
    Maverick transportation will train you for your cdl and all their trucks are automatics. Don't believe it that you can't start with an automatic and later go to a company without automatics. I did it. Started with Maverick, now with a company driving stick. It's not rocket science.
    Xzay, RERM, sevenmph and 2 others Thank this.
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