Beware of Superservice

Discussion in 'Superservice' started by mystro2005, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. mystro2005

    mystro2005 Bobtail Member

    Oct 29, 2014
    I worked at Superservice for 5 months. Left because the the miles were not there. 300 miles one day, 400 the next. Plus they say it's mostly Drop and Hook. Yeah right, more like live load 80% of the time. So I had enough. On my day off I returned the truck to the yard cleaned out my truck and quit. Come to find out they put a "Cargo Loss" on my DAC report. When I never had one. I'm trying to fight it, but beware of Superservice LLC, Headquartered in Grand Rapids, Mi. They don't hesitate to lie on your DAC report when you leave.
    123456 Thanks this.
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  3. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010
    Good old Gainey........
  4. Getsinyourblood

    Getsinyourblood Road Train Member

    Jul 5, 2014
    Retired. North Texas
    Did you call Safety about the "Cargo Loss"? What did they say?
  5. Mark Kling

    Mark Kling Technology Contributor

    Sep 23, 2007
    Statesville, NC
    You can always dispute your Dac, they have 30 days to respond and if not Dac will drop it.
  6. sedain

    sedain Medium Load Member

    Dec 4, 2010
    i was with them for over 5 yrs, i got plenty of miles. i quit to work local eventually, but SS isnt bad at all, not even during bankruptcy.. the worst was in 2008, 2009..the miles were low at that point but it was bad for most people, infact i was stuck in the southeast for 3.5 days at one point. overall i think its an above average OTR type carrier with dedicated accounts.
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